Edinburgh 23d January 1705
Act appoynting a Birthbrieff to be extendd in favours of Master Alexander Marfield
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill, By Master Alexander Marfield principall Secretary of State to his Highness the Duke of Zell, Shewing That where Alexander Marfield alias Mcphaill the petitioners Father having been a Souldier in Germany did marry a Lady of a noble Family called Attandelslohens in the Country of Zell, and the petitioner being to obtain a Birthbrieff as to the Descent of his said Father under the great Seall of Scotland, which is easily to be found He being Descended of the noble Family of Southerland by his mother, the petitioners Grandmother, and of the noble Family of Mckayes Lord Rae on the Fathers syde, as is verified by good and authentick Documents and attestations of persons of the best Rank, Therfore Craveing The Saids Lords to give order and warrant to the Director of her Majesties Chancellary and his Deputs to Record the Geanologie of the Petitioners Father, and to the Lord Chancelor and his Deputs to append the Great Seall therto, And to the Lyon King at Armes, Heraulds and Herauld painters etc To Blazon and paint the severall Coats of Armes off the Families mentioned in the Brieff to the end, the Nobilitie of the petitioners descent by his Father and Grandmother may appear in Forreigne Countries where (by the providence of God) he is placed Conforme to the saids Lords their usuall Custome in the lyke cases, as the said petition bears, The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill haveing Considered the above petition given in to them by Master Alexander Marfield principall Secretary of State to his Highness the Duke of Zell, and the samen with ane Certificat of the petitioners Genologie, and Descent under the hands of the Earles of Southerland, and Lauderdale, Ludovick Grant of that Ilk, and David Southerland of Kinald, dated in the moneth of January instant being Read in their presence, The Saids Lords Doe heirby give order and warrand to the Director of her Majesties Chancellary and his Deputs to extend and expede a Birth Brieffe in the petitioners favours Conforme to the forsaid Certificat, And to the Keeper of the great Seall and his Deputs to append the Samen therto
1. NRS, PC2/28, 357v-358r.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 357v-358r.