Procedure, 20 February 1705, Edinburgh

Act, 12 March 1705, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twentieth day of February Jaj vijc and fyve years



Approbation of the Committie for restraining the Import of prohibite Goods

Committie for considering the laws dischargeing the Import of prohibite goods, And how they may be putt to most effectuall execution, Att Edinburgh the Sixteinth day of February Jaj vijc and fyve, Sederunt Earle of Levine, Lords Ensteruther, Blaccader, Ormiestoun younger and the Provest of Edinburgh, The Earle of Levine elected preses, The Committie being informed that some of the members of the Societie for executeing the Laws anent trade, Have Seased goods that wer imported contrair to the Acts of Parliament, And Still retains them in ther own castody and keeping without being delyvered in to the Magistrat to be cognosced and brunt, Doe therfor offerr it as ther oppinion that all the goods which they have Seased wpon the accompt forsaid, And that are in ther custody, Should be by them instantly delyvered to the Magistrats of Edinburgh upon Inventar to ly in ther custody till cognosced and brunt, And that in tyme comeing when any goods are Seased, the persone that Seased, bring them imediatly and without delay to the nixt Magistrat, who Should be obleidged wpon his perrill to receive the Samen from them at whatever tyme of the day or night they be offerred, And that the Samen goods at the delyverie to the Magistrat be Sealled by the Seaser and Magistrat till Inventared And that the Inventar be made with all convenient Speed, And that after they are Inventared, the Magistrat without delay proceed to cognosce the Same, And after the goods are cognosced, that the Samen be cutt in pieces so as to be useless for any thing, And therafter Left in the hands of the Magistrat who is to attend himselfe and See the Samen burnt in the accustomed place, And att the ordinary tyme of the day, And that the Magistrats provyde ane Sufficient guard duly Commanded both to attend the goods while they are brought to be cognosced, and att the burneing, that therby all mobbs and rables may be prevented, The Lords of her Majesties Privie Counsell haveing this day considered the within report of the Committie appoynted for considering how the laws may be putt to most effectuall execution for hindering the Import of prohibite goods, And the Samen being read in ther presence, The Saids Lords have Approven, and heirby Approve therof, And appoynts the Same to be drawen out in the forme of ane Act that the Same may be published and printed.

Att Edinburgh the Twentieth day of February Jaj vijc and fyve years



Approbation of the Committie for restraining the Import of prohibite Goods

Committie for considering the laws dischargeing the Import of prohibite goods, And how they may be putt to most effectuall execution, Att Edinburgh the Sixteinth day of February Jaj vijc and fyve, Sederunt Earle of Levine, Lords Ensteruther, Blaccader, Ormiestoun younger and the Provest of Edinburgh, The Earle of Levine elected preses, The Committie being informed that some of the members of the Societie for executeing the Laws anent trade, Have Seased goods that wer imported contrair to the Acts of Parliament, And Still retains them in ther own castody and keeping without being delyvered in to the Magistrat to be cognosced and brunt, Doe therfor offerr it as ther oppinion that all the goods which they have Seased wpon the accompt forsaid, And that are in ther custody, Should be by them instantly delyvered to the Magistrats of Edinburgh upon Inventar to ly in ther custody till cognosced and brunt, And that in tyme comeing when any goods are Seased, the persone that Seased, bring them imediatly and without delay to the nixt Magistrat, who Should be obleidged wpon his perrill to receive the Samen from them at whatever tyme of the day or night they be offerred, And that the Samen goods at the delyverie to the Magistrat be Sealled by the Seaser and Magistrat till Inventared And that the Inventar be made with all convenient Speed, And that after they are Inventared, the Magistrat without delay proceed to cognosce the Same, And after the goods are cognosced, that the Samen be cutt in pieces so as to be useless for any thing, And therafter Left in the hands of the Magistrat who is to attend himselfe and See the Samen burnt in the accustomed place, And att the ordinary tyme of the day, And that the Magistrats provyde ane Sufficient guard duly Commanded both to attend the goods while they are brought to be cognosced, and att the burneing, that therby all mobbs and rables may be prevented, The Lords of her Majesties Privie Counsell haveing this day considered the within report of the Committie appoynted for considering how the laws may be putt to most effectuall execution for hindering the Import of prohibite goods, And the Samen being read in ther presence, The Saids Lords have Approven, and heirby Approve therof, And appoynts the Same to be drawen out in the forme of ane Act that the Same may be published and printed.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 362-3.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 362-3.