Att Edinburgh the Sixteinth day of January Jaj vijc and fyve years
Act in favours of Collonell Patrick Ogilvie
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell By Livtennant Collonell Patrick Ogilvie, Commissioner appoynted by ther Lordships for guarding the west coast against Importation of Irish victuall, horse, Cattell, beeff etc Shewing That wher in the manadgment of the said trust ther lordships petitioner was putt to a wast deale of trouble, travell and expensses, Their lordships did by ther act and Recommendation to the Lords of Theasaurie the first of September Jaj vijc and three Recommended to them to issue furth precept for that years allowance of ane hundreth punds Sterling per advance to be expended by me to waiters, Informers and others that Should be imployed by me for discovery of the said unlawfull Importation, and did lykewayes recommend to ther lordships, to issue furth yeirly precepts for my two hundreth pound of Sellarie dureing my continuance in office As the said act and recommendation heirwith produced will testifie and the said hundreth pound Sterling that I ought to have gott the first of September Last, not being as yet ordered to me for want of your lordships new act and recommendation for that effect, And the Same and considerable more being expended by me upon information And it being necessary that ther Should be lykewayes a new order for my Sallarie; Therfor humbly Craving ther lordships would be pleased to Recommend to the Lords Commissioners of Theasaurie to issue furth the said hunderth pound Sterling precept, allowed me per advance And lykewayes for my said Sallarie In the ordinary manner the same falls due, That It may therby be enabled and encouradged to repair to my poast, And attend the Same as becomes, as the said petition bears, The Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell the petition given in to them by Collonell Patrick Ogilvie, And the the2 samen being read in ther presence, The Saids Lords doe heirby Recommend the petitioner to the Lords Commissioners of Theasaurie for immediat payment to him of the Sowme of ane hundreth pound Sterling to be Laid out by him upon the waiters and Servants that he is to imploy in prosecuteing the Commission granted to him for hindering the Importation of Irish victuall beeff, horse, mears, Kyne and other cattell from Irland, And for payment to him of the Sowme of Two hundreth pound Sterling yeirly of Sallarie dureing the continuance of the said Commission.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 341-2.
2. Sic.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 341-2.
2. Sic.