Att Holyrudehouse the threttieth day of May Jaj vijc and fyve yeirs
Prorogation of William Durhams banishment
Anent the petition given in to his Grace her Majesties high Commissioner, and Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell By William Durhame Shewing that his Grace and ther lordships Sentence and act of the date the tent of May instant, the petitioner was banished this kingdome, and therby was bound and had found Sufficient Cautione to transport himselfe fwrth of the Same, betwixt and the tent of June nixt, which Sentence the petitioner was ready to obey, But in regaird he laboured under the gravell, and other tenderness of body, wherby he cannot travell by England, And tho he wer able, yet being destitut of freinds, It was not in his power to procure a passport, And in indeavouring for one, might meet with hardshipe, as being condemned for a Suspect preist, or traffecking papist, which the saids Lords Sentence, which he must carrie along with him would evidence; And that for craveing It might please his Grace and their lordships to prorogat the forsaid day, till the first occasion of a Scots fleets goeing from hence to Holland, wherin the petitioner was ready to transport himselfe, For which effect his former baill was to stand, till he returned certificats at his arryveall, Seeing his indisposition of body rendered him incapable of travelling by land, As the said petition bears, His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner, and the Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell haveing considered this petition given in to them by William Durham, And the Samen being read in ther presence, His Grace and the saids Lords, Doe heirby prorogat the tyme of the petitioners banishment furth of this kingdome, till the Twentieth day of July nixt to come, And in the mean tyme appoynts him to renew his baill, As in the former bond of Cautionrie granted by him.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 407-8.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 407-8.