Act, 25 January 1705, Edinburgh

Act, 12 March 1705, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twentie fyfth day of January Jaj vijc and fyve years



Act Continueing Captain Green and Crews aliment

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill by Captain Thomas Green Commander of the Worchester, Captain John Waddell chiefe Mate, John Reynolds Second Mate, Thomas Lintstead assistant to the deceased Supra Cargo, James Sympson Gunner, Henry Keagle Carpenter, James Bruce Boatswinne, Samuell Urchine Carptenters Mate, Andrew Robertsone Gunners Mate, Samuell Willcocks Chirurgeons Mate, John Brockley Cowper, George Kitchine Quarter Master, George Glen Quarter-Master, John Ballingtoun Quarter Master, George Haynes Steuart, Alexander Tayleor Fourmast man, and Henry Barnes idem, Shewing That they being Imprisoned upon ane Information exhibited to my Lord Chancellor, and by his Lordships warrands and ther Shipe and goods Seased on by the Scots Company tradeing to Affrica and the Indies, and the samen being now by the saids Lords order unloaden, The owners of the shipe, have and doe refuse to pay them ther wages, alleadging that the care and manadgment of the Shipe is not in ther charge, which is the originall cause of ther getting wadges. And the Affrican Company have for that reasone ever since the seazer of ther Shipe alimented all the Crew at a shilling per diem till of late that the petitioners weer cast into prisone upon ane accusation from which as they weer conscious to be free, So tyme and tryall would make ther Innocence manifast to the world which they have been urgeing and applying for both to the Justiciars and Admirality (as is knowen to some of ther lordships number) Nevertheless ther are a great many dayes to rune befor the tryall cane be brought to a close, or they sett at Liberty And haveing nothing to Subsist upon in ane Strange Countrie, and being by prison depryved of the Means of Shifting for themselves, Therfore craveing it might please the saids Lords who have taken nottice of ther accusation, To be so generous and compassionat of ther misfortoun, as to order a Subsistance for them dureing their confynement, And particularly to take care that the Affrican Companie continue the allowance to the Crew as formerly, Conforme to the saids Lords ther dayly practise in the lyke case, as the said petition bears; The Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell haveing upon the Sixteinth day of January instant Considered the said petition given in to them by Captain Thomas Green Commander of the Shipe the Worchester Captain John Madder chiefe Mate, and severall others of the Crew of the said shipe, And the samen being read in ther presence, The Saids Lords Doe heirby Recommend to the Lord Advocat to consider the matter represented in the said petition, And to Call for Mr Roderick Mckenzie Clerk to the Affrican Companie, And know att him why the aliment formerly granted to the petitioners, is withdrawen, And to report to the Counsell nixt Councill day; Lykeas upon the day and date of thir presents The Lords of her Majesties Privie Councill Doe heirby Appoynt and Ordaine the aliment formerly payed to Captain Green Commander of the East India Shipe the Worchester and his Crew to be payed up and continued to them dureing ther Imprisonement, And have Declaired and heirby Declaires that the Samen aliment shall affect the Cargo of the East India Shipe the Worchester.

Att Edinburgh the Twentie fyfth day of January Jaj vijc and fyve years



Act Continueing Captain Green and Crews aliment

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill by Captain Thomas Green Commander of the Worchester, Captain John Waddell chiefe Mate, John Reynolds Second Mate, Thomas Lintstead assistant to the deceased Supra Cargo, James Sympson Gunner, Henry Keagle Carpenter, James Bruce Boatswinne, Samuell Urchine Carptenters Mate, Andrew Robertsone Gunners Mate, Samuell Willcocks Chirurgeons Mate, John Brockley Cowper, George Kitchine Quarter Master, George Glen Quarter-Master, John Ballingtoun Quarter Master, George Haynes Steuart, Alexander Tayleor Fourmast man, and Henry Barnes idem, Shewing That they being Imprisoned upon ane Information exhibited to my Lord Chancellor, and by his Lordships warrands and ther Shipe and goods Seased on by the Scots Company tradeing to Affrica and the Indies, and the samen being now by the saids Lords order unloaden, The owners of the shipe, have and doe refuse to pay them ther wages, alleadging that the care and manadgment of the Shipe is not in ther charge, which is the originall cause of ther getting wadges. And the Affrican Company have for that reasone ever since the seazer of ther Shipe alimented all the Crew at a shilling per diem till of late that the petitioners weer cast into prisone upon ane accusation from which as they weer conscious to be free, So tyme and tryall would make ther Innocence manifast to the world which they have been urgeing and applying for both to the Justiciars and Admirality (as is knowen to some of ther lordships number) Nevertheless ther are a great many dayes to rune befor the tryall cane be brought to a close, or they sett at Liberty And haveing nothing to Subsist upon in ane Strange Countrie, and being by prison depryved of the Means of Shifting for themselves, Therfore craveing it might please the saids Lords who have taken nottice of ther accusation, To be so generous and compassionat of ther misfortoun, as to order a Subsistance for them dureing their confynement, And particularly to take care that the Affrican Companie continue the allowance to the Crew as formerly, Conforme to the saids Lords ther dayly practise in the lyke case, as the said petition bears; The Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell haveing upon the Sixteinth day of January instant Considered the said petition given in to them by Captain Thomas Green Commander of the Shipe the Worchester Captain John Madder chiefe Mate, and severall others of the Crew of the said shipe, And the samen being read in ther presence, The Saids Lords Doe heirby Recommend to the Lord Advocat to consider the matter represented in the said petition, And to Call for Mr Roderick Mckenzie Clerk to the Affrican Companie, And know att him why the aliment formerly granted to the petitioners, is withdrawen, And to report to the Counsell nixt Councill day; Lykeas upon the day and date of thir presents The Lords of her Majesties Privie Councill Doe heirby Appoynt and Ordaine the aliment formerly payed to Captain Green Commander of the East India Shipe the Worchester and his Crew to be payed up and continued to them dureing ther Imprisonement, And have Declaired and heirby Declaires that the Samen aliment shall affect the Cargo of the East India Shipe the Worchester.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 349-50.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 349-50.