Att Holy-rude-house the Twentie fyfth day of August Jaj vijc and fyve years
Act Prorogating James Drysdales banishment
Anent the Supplication Given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Councell By James Drysdale Meall-maker in Gilmertoun, Shewing that the Supplicant had the misfortoun after a long imprisonement to be tryed befor the Lords of Justiciary for a Cryme, which he heartily detested, And wherof he was innocent; But ther lordships upon Some presumptions adduced wer pleased to pronounce Sentence of banishment against them, and he was to find Caution for that effect, Upon a representation made by my Lord Advocat the twenty Sixt of June last, The petitioner was ordained by his Grace and ther lordships to be sett at liberty upon his enacting himselfe in the Councell books to depairt the kingdome, And the day being now elapsed, The petitioner humbly begged leave to lay his hard Circumstances befor ther lordships; The petitioner had a wyfe, and a numerous family; By long confynement the small stock he had scraped together, was quyte exhausted, He had nothing but his trade to Support and keep them from Starving, And it was Such as could not be followed in another Countrey; So that if the Said Sentance Should take effect his wyfe and children must goe a begging, The petitioner had Lived honestly and his reputation was Spotles and intire befor the Said Scandall was malitiously broached against him, And Seeing the cryme he was accused for was not proven, And that ther lordships are in use to mitigat and alter the Sentences of that Court, Craving therfor It might please his Grace and ther lordships to take the petitioners deplorable case to consideration And in commiseration therof to take off this Sentance of Banishment, And allow the petitioners to Stay at home, which would be ane act of Christian Charity and compassion And would Save the poor Supplicant, and his distressed family from utter ruine As the said petitione bears, His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner, and Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell haveing considered the petition given in to them By James Drysdale Meall maker in Gilmertoun, and the Samen being read in ther presence, His Grace and the saids Lords have prorogat and heirby prorogats the tyme of the petitioners depairture and banishment furth of the Kingdome untill the first day of November nixt to come, And in the mean tyme appoynts him to inact himselfe in the books of privie Councell that he Shall depairt furth of the kingdome betwixt and the said day, and obtemper the Sentance of the Lords Commissioners of her Majesties Justiciary pronounced against him theranent Sic Subscribitur Argyll Commissioner. Seafeild Cancellar. Queensberrie C.P.S. Annandale S. Loudoun S. Montrose. Northesk. Ballcarras. James Murray.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 420.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 420.