Order, 4 October 1705, Edinburgh

Act, 12 March 1705, Edinburgh

Att Holyrudehouse the fourth day of October Jaj vijc and [five] yeirs



Recommendation for delyvering the Remission to Greens Crew and Setting them att liberty

His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of her Majesties privie Councell Doe heirby Recommend to the Earle of Seafeild Lord high Chancellor to delyver the Remission in favours of Captain Greens Crew to the provest of Edinburgh that his Lordship may delyver the Samen to the Crew, And Recommends to the provest of Edinburgh, To Call for the said Crew, and cause them qualifie themselves to her Majestie by Swearing the oath of alleadgance, and Subscrybeing the Same with the assurance, And upon ther qualifieing themselves as said is Recommends to the Governor of the Castell of Edinburgh, and appoynts the Keepers of the Tollbooth to Sett them at Liberty.

Att Holyrudehouse the fourth day of October Jaj vijc and [five] yeirs



Recommendation for delyvering the Remission to Greens Crew and Setting them att liberty

His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of her Majesties privie Councell Doe heirby Recommend to the Earle of Seafeild Lord high Chancellor to delyver the Remission in favours of Captain Greens Crew to the provest of Edinburgh that his Lordship may delyver the Samen to the Crew, And Recommends to the provest of Edinburgh, To Call for the said Crew, and cause them qualifie themselves to her Majestie by Swearing the oath of alleadgance, and Subscrybeing the Same with the assurance, And upon ther qualifieing themselves as said is Recommends to the Governor of the Castell of Edinburgh, and appoynts the Keepers of the Tollbooth to Sett them at Liberty.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 428.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 428.