Att Holyrudehouse the threttieth day of May Jaj vijc and fyve yeirs
Recommendation to the Commissioner to wryt to the Queen anent Fr Prisoners
The Lord high Commissioner having produced to the Board a Letter direct to his Grace from Captain Matthew Campbell Commander of her Majesties Shipe the Dumbarton Castell, Giveing ane account that the said Captain had taken off the Cape of Kintyre ane French Privateir consisting of eight Guns and Sixtie two men aboard her, And the Samen being read, The Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell doe heirby Recommend to his Grace her Majesties high Commissioner to lay the Samen befor her Majestie That her Majestie in her Royall wisdome may give further directions how the prisoners Shall be disposed of, and whither the saids prisoners Shall be sent to or allowed to go into England, And in that case that her Majestie may give orders to receive them, or that the saids prisoners may be sett at liberty for returneing to France with their first conveniencie.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 406.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 406.