Decreet, 8 February 1705, Edinburgh

Act, 12 March 1705, Edinburgh

Edinburgh 8th February 1705



Interloquitor in the proces Patton of Panholls against the Earle of Perth

Proces at the instance of Patton of Panholls againest the Earle of Perth being called and the persuer Compearing at the Barr personally with Sir Patrick Home, his advocat, and the Defender Compearing by Sir David Dalrymple, and Master John Menzies his advocats, and Both pairties Lawiers heard at the Barr, and removed, The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill, In respect the persuer judicially acknowledged at the Barr that the proces is Lisspendens befor the parliament, Doe heirby Declaire they will not meddle therin, but leaves the persuer to prosecute the samen befor the parliament as accords, And therfore frees them from any furder attendance befor the Councill upon account of the said proces.

Edinburgh 8th February 1705



Interloquitor in the proces Patton of Panholls against the Earle of Perth

Proces at the instance of Patton of Panholls againest the Earle of Perth being called and the persuer Compearing at the Barr personally with Sir Patrick Home, his advocat, and the Defender Compearing by Sir David Dalrymple, and Master John Menzies his advocats, and Both pairties Lawiers heard at the Barr, and removed, The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill, In respect the persuer judicially acknowledged at the Barr that the proces is Lisspendens befor the parliament, Doe heirby Declaire they will not meddle therin, but leaves the persuer to prosecute the samen befor the parliament as accords, And therfore frees them from any furder attendance befor the Councill upon account of the said proces.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 365r-365v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 365r-365v.