Att Edinburgh the twelfth day of March Jaj vijc and fyve years
Declarations of Skippers etc
Follows the declarations of Skippers and others taken conserning the forsaid abuse.
At Leith the tent day of March Jaj vijc and fyve years, James Jervie Skipper of the Agnes of Alloa, Declairs that wpon the fyfth instant, he came to the road of Leith Loaden with bear from Orkney, And about Six acloak in the morning, The pinnis of the English man of warr called the Winchester, Came closs aboard his bark, and fyred three Sharp Shott, One of which went throwgh his main Saill, And the Pinnis crew consisting of about ellevine men, haveing come aboard, Caused break up the three hatches, and Stobbed his forsaid Loadning of bear, And that he haveing asked them the reason of their rumadgeing and Stobbing his Shipe, They told him they had orders to Search all Ships comeing into this firth, after which they went aboard of Alexander Nawghtie Shipe also from Orkney, and this he offerrs to depone wpon if requyred, Sic Subscribitur James Servie, The Said day Alexander Nawghtie Master of the Christine of Leith doctors that about Sevine acloak in the morning the forsaid fyfth day of March instant the above Pinnis Come closs aboard of his barque, near the Beacon, and fyred fyve Sharp Shott at his barque, two wherof went through his tope Saill and another came very near the man at the helme, wherwpon he asked him what was the matter, To which one of the Pinnis crew answered when he came aboard, Yow Scots Son of a whore why did yow not Stryke, and wpon this he took him by the throat, the Skipper haveing told him that he came from Orkney, and that he was loaden with butter, beeff, oyll, and feathers etc the Same man answered that he would believe non of our Countrey, And that wee had Sold our King for a groat, and wer arrant knaves and villains, after which he and the rest of the Pinnis Crew, broak open the hatches, rumadged the howll, and turned up a great pairt of the feathers and Light goods on the deck, and told he had a Commission for what he did, from his Captain, And this he offerrs to depone if requyred Sic Subscribitur A.N: Alexander Naughtie his mark, The Said day James Steivine Master of the Freindshipe of Alloa, declairs that haveing come to the road of Leith from Peterhead Loaden with bear, The Pinis of the above man of warr came aboard his said Shipe about two acloak in the afternoon on Sunday Last being the fourth instant when he was near Inch-Keith att Anchor, and haveing opened the hatches, and Seen his loadning, went after to the Cabine, And went again aboard ther Pinnis crying to the Commanding officer that the Barque was loaden with barley Sic Subscribitur James Stein The said day James Ogilvie Master of the Hope of Montrose declairs that haveing come from Frasersburgh loaden with bear and meall, The Pinnis crew of the above man of warr Came aboard of his Barque, opened two of his hatches and Stobbed his loadning about two of the cloak in the afternoon the forsaid dourth instant, and requyred a Sight of his bill of loadning which he produced Sic Subscribitur James Ogilvie. The Said Tenth day of March Jaj vijc and fyve John Kenine Master of the John of Aberbrothock loaden with meall and bear from said place, Declairs that about Six acloak in the morning the said fyfth of March instant, when they wer Stiring to the harbour of Leith, The above Pinnis Crew came closs aboard his barque near the Beacon; fyred fyve or Six Sharpe Shott at them, Came aboard, opened the hatches and Stobbed his loadning with a Spitt they brought along with them, and that he Saw another Spitt in ther Pinnis Sic Subscribitur John Kennie. The Said day Tias Poshie Master of the young Tobias of Strathvanger, loaden with daills and trees from thence, Declairs that haveing come to the road of Leith about three of the cloak in the afternoon the forsaid fourth day of March instant, The above Pinnis crew Came aboard his Shipe, and asked him with what he was loaden, and from whence, and being ansuwered that ther loadning was trees and daills, and that they wer come from Strathvanger, The Pinnis Crew imediatly opened the hatches, took up Some of the daills to the deck to inspect the loadning, and tasked ther bear casks Sic Subscribitur Tias Cashir. The Said day Hegellen Weilsone Master of the Mary of Mondalie, and George Mitchellsone Master of the Anna Katharine of Mondall Loaden with daills and trees from that place, declairs that haveing come to the road of Leith on twesdays morning the Sixth instant, The Crew of the above Pinnis came aboard the Severall Ships, asked ther loadnings, and whence they came And then went aboard the Pinnis, Sic Subscribitur Hegellen Neilson, Georgen Mitchelsone.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 370-71.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 370-71.