Att Holy-rude-house the Twentie fyfth day of August Jaj vijc and fyve years
Letter: royal
Letter from the Councell to the Queen
May it please your Majestie
wheras for mantaining the good wnderstanding that is betwixt yor Majestie and your allies The Estates Generall of the United Provinces, It is mutuallie aggreed betwixt your Majestie and them, That ther be no Seasurs or confiscations made, of any Ships of either Nation tradeing to France or Spain or ther dominions Notwithstanding of the present warr; Such Ships haveing passes for that end from their respective Soveraigns, wherby ther appears to be a free trade opened to France or Spain or ther dominions to all yor Majesties Subjects of this kingdome; and ther Ships haveing proper passes for that end, which haveing moved your Majesties good2 Subjects Merchants and other traders within this your antient kingdome to apply to ws that they may have the benefite of the said open trade, And the passes necessary for that effect; Wee doe with all Submission lay ther petition befor yor Majestie humbly intreating that yor Majestie would be pleased to grant Such passes to the Ships belonging to yor Subjects of this Kingdome tradeing to France or Spain or their dominions, with Such other orders as may be necessary for ther enjoying the benefite of the said free trade in the readiest and easiest manner: Wee must also take leave to acquant yor Majestie that ther Some of Subjects of this kingdome lately taken by the French, and made prisoners at Dinan near to Sauctettaloers, whose names are transmitted to the Secretary deput, And that ther are also a great number of French prisoners with ws; wherfor wee humbly crave yor Majesties leave and allowance that wee may Send to France upon due assureances Such French prisoners as wee Gave in exchange, and for liberation of yor said good Subjects, and with Such pases as may best effectuat the Same, and for Such of these French prisoners as Shall remaine they Shall be Sent to Newcastell Conforme to yor Majesties former order; Wee are, May it please yor Majestie, Your Majesties most dutifull, most loyall and most obedient Subjects and Servants Sic Subscribitur Argyll Commissioner. Seafield Cancellar. Queensberrie p.S. Annandale S. Montrose, Lothian. Mortoun. Hadingtoun. Northesk. Ballcarras. Hew Dalrymple.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 419.
2. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 419.
2. Insertion.