Att Holyrudehouse the fourth day of October Jaj vijc and [five] yeirs
Commission nameing Justices of peace within the Shyre of Elgine and Forres
Commission of Councell nameing and appoynting Justices of the peace within the Shyre of Elgine and Forras being read, the same was voted and approven and appoynted to be recorded.
Anne by the Grace of God Queen of great Brittaine, France and Irland defender of the faith, To all and sundrie our Leidges whom it effeirs, Forasmuchas the Commissioners of Supplie of the Shyre of Elgine and Forres haveing given into our privie Counsell ane petition Craveing that their lordships would name Justices of peace within the said shyre for exerceing the Jurisdiction, power and priviledges granted to Justices of peace, And wee considering that its necessary for our Service, and the publict Interest of the nation that fitt persons be appoynted to be Justices of peace within the said Shyre, Therfore wee with advyce and consent of the Lords of our privie Councell Doe heirby Grant full power, authority and Commission to the persons following Viz The Laird of Grange, The Lairds of Innes elder and younger The Laird of Dumphaill, The Laird of Bishopmilne, The Laird of Brodie, The Lairds of Grant elder and younger, The Laird of Burdsyeards younger, The Laird of Aslick, The Laird of Altyre, The Lairds of Muirtoun elder and younger, The Lairds of Coxtown elder and younger, The Laird of Lethame, The Laird of Durne elder, William Duff of Diple, Alexander Duff of Drummuir, Thomas Tulloch of Tamachie; James Grant of Wester-Elchies, John Grant of Elchies, John Dumbar Tutor of Grangehill, Joseph Brodie of Milnetoun, Rot Dumbar of Mowtown, Thomas Brodie of Pittgovine, James Innes of Lewchars, George Innes of Dinbintie, Mr Archbald Dumbar of Thundertoun, Alexander Dumbar of Moy, Walter Innes of Blackhills, Robert Innes of Mundale, William King of Newmilns, William Brodie of Coltfauld, James Brodie of Whythill, William Cuming of Craigmilne, John Brodie of Windiehills, William Sutherland of Rosehaugh and James Innes of Cotts, To be Justices of Peace within the Shyre of Elgine and Forres, With power to them To Judge and determine In all matters remitted to the cognition and determination of Justices of Peace by the severall acts of parliament, And particularly the threttie eight act of the said parliament Jaj vic Sixtie one, and to putt the laws and acts of parliament in execution in maner prescrybed by the said act, And to nominat and appoynt constables, and doe every other thing warranded by the said act, or any other acts, laws, and customes whatsomever, And any three of them to be a Quorum, And appoynts the saids haill Justices of peace to meet and conveine together at Elgine or Forres Four tymes in the year Viz on the first Tuesday of May, First Tuesday of August, last Tuesday of October, and first Tuesday of March, And att any other tymes they Shall think fitt to meet, In which Sessions they are to administrat Justice to our Leidges in all matters relateing to ther Jurisdiction, And to doe every other thing, which to the office of Justices of peace Is by law and consuetude of this our realme knowen to appretaine and belong, Given att Holyrudehouse the fourth day of october, and of our reigne the fourt year 1705. Sic Subscribitur Seafeild Cancellar Queensberrie C.P.S. Mar S. Loudoun S. Sutherland. Belcarres. Dumor. Leven. Forfar. Roseberie. Stair. Glasgow. Archibald Campbell. Forbes. Rose.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 428-9.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 428-9.