Letter: royal, 3 April 1705, Edinburgh

Act, 12 March 1705, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the third day of Apryll Jaj vijc and fyve years


Letter: royal

Letter from the Councell To the Queens Majestie Anent Captain Green and his Crew

Letter from the Councill to the Queens Majestie In answer to her Majesties Letter to their lordships Anent Captain Green and his Crew being prepared and wrytten over in Mundo, The Same was read, voted and approven and ordained to be recorded, and this day sent off by a flying packet off which the tenor follows.
May it please your Majestie
By our letter to yor Majestie of the 28 of March last dispatched by a flying packet, wee hope wee have already Satisfied your Majestie as to what yor Majestie requyres by your royall Letter of the 27 of March concerneing the proces and Sentence Against Captain Green and his Crew, And the repryve yor Majestie is pleased to requyre and authorize ws to give them; Wee have already Sent the wholl proces Indytement, pleadings, probation, verdict and Sentence, with two Confessions of Lintsteeds and Haynes two of these condemned that plainly conforme the proceedings in that tryall, To be laid befor yor Majestie, And wee are more and more perswaded that if the first orders for a repryve had not come So Soon, the greater pairt of them might have confessed, As one Bruckley who is another of those condemned, hes Since done, And with a new and most convinceing evidence of the murder as well as of pirracie and robberie, and all committed on Captain Drummonds Ship as Haynes2 formerly deposed; But now upon the wholl matter, wee have in obedience to your Majestie given to these persons, a repryve to the Ellevint instant that wee may have yor Majesties returne to what wee formerly wrott, yet wee must again with all Submission, and in the pure conscience of our duty, Intreat and obtest that your Majestie would be pleased to grant no further repryve or remission to these men, except upon recommendation from yor Councell heir as reasons may occurr, For after a tryall So legall and Solemn of Such attrocious crymes discovered by so observeable a providence, And after the confirmations wee have already had by so many after confessions, wee must in humble duty take the liberty to assure yor Majestie it is the great concerne of yor Majesties Service, and the earnest expectation of all yor people not otherwayes to be Satisfied that the publict Justice of the nation be allowed to proceed, without any farther Stopp, which wee are perswaded yor Majestie will approve, For cruell horrid murder as well as pirracie and robberie being now manifastly discovered to have been committed on your Scots Subjects, wee must again represent to yor Majestie that no further repryve Should be granted, We are in all duty, May it please your Majestie, Your Majesties most Loyall, most humble, most faithfull and obedient Subjects and Servants Sic Subscribitur Seafeild Cancellar. Tweedale P. Rothes p.s. Roxburgh, Buchan. Glencairne. Forfar. James Steuart George Baillie. F Montgomrie. John Home.

Att Edinburgh the third day of Apryll Jaj vijc and fyve years


Letter: royal

Letter from the Councell To the Queens Majestie Anent Captain Green and his Crew

Letter from the Councill to the Queens Majestie In answer to her Majesties Letter to their lordships Anent Captain Green and his Crew being prepared and wrytten over in Mundo, The Same was read, voted and approven and ordained to be recorded, and this day sent off by a flying packet off which the tenor follows.
May it please your Majestie
By our letter to yor Majestie of the 28 of March last dispatched by a flying packet, wee hope wee have already Satisfied your Majestie as to what yor Majestie requyres by your royall Letter of the 27 of March concerneing the proces and Sentence Against Captain Green and his Crew, And the repryve yor Majestie is pleased to requyre and authorize ws to give them; Wee have already Sent the wholl proces Indytement, pleadings, probation, verdict and Sentence, with two Confessions of Lintsteeds and Haynes two of these condemned that plainly conforme the proceedings in that tryall, To be laid befor yor Majestie, And wee are more and more perswaded that if the first orders for a repryve had not come So Soon, the greater pairt of them might have confessed, As one Bruckley who is another of those condemned, hes Since done, And with a new and most convinceing evidence of the murder as well as of pirracie and robberie, and all committed on Captain Drummonds Ship as Haynes2 formerly deposed; But now upon the wholl matter, wee have in obedience to your Majestie given to these persons, a repryve to the Ellevint instant that wee may have yor Majesties returne to what wee formerly wrott, yet wee must again with all Submission, and in the pure conscience of our duty, Intreat and obtest that your Majestie would be pleased to grant no further repryve or remission to these men, except upon recommendation from yor Councell heir as reasons may occurr, For after a tryall So legall and Solemn of Such attrocious crymes discovered by so observeable a providence, And after the confirmations wee have already had by so many after confessions, wee must in humble duty take the liberty to assure yor Majestie it is the great concerne of yor Majesties Service, and the earnest expectation of all yor people not otherwayes to be Satisfied that the publict Justice of the nation be allowed to proceed, without any farther Stopp, which wee are perswaded yor Majestie will approve, For cruell horrid murder as well as pirracie and robberie being now manifastly discovered to have been committed on your Scots Subjects, wee must again represent to yor Majestie that no further repryve Should be granted, We are in all duty, May it please your Majestie, Your Majesties most Loyall, most humble, most faithfull and obedient Subjects and Servants Sic Subscribitur Seafeild Cancellar. Tweedale P. Rothes p.s. Roxburgh, Buchan. Glencairne. Forfar. James Steuart George Baillie. F Montgomrie. John Home.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 384.

2. The word ‘has’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 384.

2. The word ‘has’ scored out here.