Att Edinburgh the Ellevinth day of December one thousand Seven hundreth and fyve years
Recommendation to the Theasaury In favours of Collonell Ogilvie and others
The proclamation explaining some clauses in the Commission granted by the Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell to Collonell Patrick Ogilvie, Sir John Shaw of Greenock and Sir Archibald Campbell of Clunies for hindering the Importation of Irish victuall Beeff, horse, Cattell, Butter, Cheese, and other prohibite goods being read, the Samen was voted, approven, Signed and appoynted to be published, printed and recorded And the saids Lords of her Majesties privie Councell for the better encouragment of the Commissioners forsaid In execution of their Said Commission, Doe heirby Recommend to the Lords Commissioners of her Majesties Theasaury To appoynt and declaire that her Majesties pairt of all fynes and penalties arysing from the contravention of the severall acts of parliament Specified in the said Commission, And falling to her Majestie by the Importers and resetters, Is to belong to the Saids Commissioners for ther own use and behooff, whoever be the first discovers of the said unlawfull and prohibite Import, And that the Saids discoverers and Seasurs make Lawfull intimation to the Saids Commissioners befor they make roup and dispose upon the Same And that the roup be alewayes made upon the Main Land, and not in any Island.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 432-3.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 432-3.