Att Edinburgh the first day of February Jaj vijc and five yeirs
Warrand for the Magistrats of Edinburgh for keeping the Queens birth day
The Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell Considering that Twesday nixt being the Sixth instant Is the Birth day of her Majestie Queen Anne, Doe heirby Appoynt and Ordaine the Magistrats of Edinburgh to cause Intimation to be made after the usuall manner, to all the neighbours: and Inhabitants within the said burgh that they putt furth illuminations the said day at the ordinary tyme, and in manner heirtofoir observed, and that the said day be Solemnized, with illuminations, Ringing of Bells, and other expressions of publict Joy, And Recommends to the Provest of Edinburgh that he cause ring the Musick bells from ten of the cloak in the foirnoon untill four of the cloak in the afternoon that the great bells beginne to ringe And appoynts the usuall Solemnitie at the Cross of Edinburgh to be and begine at twelve acloak the said day, and the Magistrats of Edinburgh to take care ther be no throwing of squibs, nor disorder nor confusion the tyme of the Solemnitie nor after the Samen by breaking of windows or the lyke.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 352.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 352.