Decreet, 26 April 1705, Edinburgh

Act, 12 March 1705, Edinburgh

Att Holy-rude-house the Twentie Sixt day of Apryll Jaj vijc and fyve years



Decreet Agent to the Kirk against Mr William Ratrie Minister

Anent the lybell or Letters of Complaint raised and persued befor his Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of her Majesties privie Councell at the instance of John Blair Agent for the Kirk with concourse of Sir James Stewart her Majesties Advocat for her highness interest in the matter underwrytten, Mentioning That wher by the fyfth act of the parliament Jaj vijc nyntie, presbiterian Church Government and discipline is Ratified and confirmed to be the Government of Chrysts Church, And Sicklyke by the 22. Act of the parliament i695. It is Statute and ordained that no persone Shall intrude himselfe into any Church, or Shall exercise any pairt of the Ministeriall function within any parish without ane orderly Call from the heretors and Eldershipe; and legall admission from the presbetrie within whose bounds it Lyes, Lykeas by the Second act of the parliament 1703. All the saids acts, and other laws and Statuts for establishing presbiterian Church Government are Ratified and approven In the haill heads articles and clauses therof Nevertheless it is of verity that Mr William Ratrie late Incumbent at Cargill and who was depryved by the privie Councell, Shakeing off all regaird to our Laws and authority hes of late Intruded himselfe into the said Kirk of Cargill and Sett up for a preacher therin, And exercises all the other pairts of the Ministeriall function as Baptiseing, Marrieing etc In manifast contempt of the saids laws and acts of parliament, Notwithstanding that he is deposed by the Lords of our privie Councell, And the parish vaccant And in the possession of the presbetrie of the place; By all which the said Mr William Ratrie is guiltie of a manifast intrusion and attempt against the present Setled constitution of the Church, And of a high Contempt of our Laws and authoritie, which being proven he ought to be punished with the pains of law, And effectually discharged to intrude into or molest the said parish, and the presbetrie restored to the possession of the said Church, and he otherwayes punished, as the Lords of our privie Councell Shall think fitt to the terror of others to committ the lyke in tyme comeing, And Anent the Charge given to the said defender to have Compeared befor the saids Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell upon the day and date of thir presents, To have heard and Seen Such order and course taken in the said Complaint as appertains, with certification as in the saids Letters of Complaint and executions therof at more length is contained The Whilk lybell at the instance of John Blair Agent for the Kirk against Mr William Ratrie late Incumbent at Cargill being this day called, and the persewers Compearing personallie at the barr, And the said defender being oft tymes Called and not compearing though Lawfullie cited, His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner, and the Lords of her Majesties privie Councell Grants decreit of certification against the said Mr William Ratray, And gives order and warrand to Meacers and Messengers at armes to pass to the mercat cross of […] and other places needfull, And therat in her Majesties name and authoritie duly Lawfully and orderly denounce the said Mr William Rattray her Majesties Rebell and putt him to her highness horne, Escheat and inbringe all his moveable goods and gear to her Majesties use for his contempt and disobedience and appoynts and ordains the Shireff principall of the Shirreffdome of Pearth and his deputs To putt the presbetries of Pearth and Dunkeld in possession of the Kirk of Cargill, and to keep and mantaine them therin, wnder all highest pains And as they will be answerable, and to delyver the keyes therof to the said presbetrie, And ordains Letters of horning on fyftein dayes under the Signet of Councill to be direct heiron in forme as effeirs.

Att Holy-rude-house the Twentie Sixt day of Apryll Jaj vijc and fyve years



Decreet Agent to the Kirk against Mr William Ratrie Minister

Anent the lybell or Letters of Complaint raised and persued befor his Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of her Majesties privie Councell at the instance of John Blair Agent for the Kirk with concourse of Sir James Stewart her Majesties Advocat for her highness interest in the matter underwrytten, Mentioning That wher by the fyfth act of the parliament Jaj vijc nyntie, presbiterian Church Government and discipline is Ratified and confirmed to be the Government of Chrysts Church, And Sicklyke by the 22. Act of the parliament i695. It is Statute and ordained that no persone Shall intrude himselfe into any Church, or Shall exercise any pairt of the Ministeriall function within any parish without ane orderly Call from the heretors and Eldershipe; and legall admission from the presbetrie within whose bounds it Lyes, Lykeas by the Second act of the parliament 1703. All the saids acts, and other laws and Statuts for establishing presbiterian Church Government are Ratified and approven In the haill heads articles and clauses therof Nevertheless it is of verity that Mr William Ratrie late Incumbent at Cargill and who was depryved by the privie Councell, Shakeing off all regaird to our Laws and authority hes of late Intruded himselfe into the said Kirk of Cargill and Sett up for a preacher therin, And exercises all the other pairts of the Ministeriall function as Baptiseing, Marrieing etc In manifast contempt of the saids laws and acts of parliament, Notwithstanding that he is deposed by the Lords of our privie Councell, And the parish vaccant And in the possession of the presbetrie of the place; By all which the said Mr William Ratrie is guiltie of a manifast intrusion and attempt against the present Setled constitution of the Church, And of a high Contempt of our Laws and authoritie, which being proven he ought to be punished with the pains of law, And effectually discharged to intrude into or molest the said parish, and the presbetrie restored to the possession of the said Church, and he otherwayes punished, as the Lords of our privie Councell Shall think fitt to the terror of others to committ the lyke in tyme comeing, And Anent the Charge given to the said defender to have Compeared befor the saids Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell upon the day and date of thir presents, To have heard and Seen Such order and course taken in the said Complaint as appertains, with certification as in the saids Letters of Complaint and executions therof at more length is contained The Whilk lybell at the instance of John Blair Agent for the Kirk against Mr William Ratrie late Incumbent at Cargill being this day called, and the persewers Compearing personallie at the barr, And the said defender being oft tymes Called and not compearing though Lawfullie cited, His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner, and the Lords of her Majesties privie Councell Grants decreit of certification against the said Mr William Ratray, And gives order and warrand to Meacers and Messengers at armes to pass to the mercat cross of […] and other places needfull, And therat in her Majesties name and authoritie duly Lawfully and orderly denounce the said Mr William Rattray her Majesties Rebell and putt him to her highness horne, Escheat and inbringe all his moveable goods and gear to her Majesties use for his contempt and disobedience and appoynts and ordains the Shireff principall of the Shirreffdome of Pearth and his deputs To putt the presbetries of Pearth and Dunkeld in possession of the Kirk of Cargill, and to keep and mantaine them therin, wnder all highest pains And as they will be answerable, and to delyver the keyes therof to the said presbetrie, And ordains Letters of horning on fyftein dayes under the Signet of Councill to be direct heiron in forme as effeirs.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 395-6.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 395-6.