Letter: from the council, 21 March 1705, Edinburgh

Act, 12 March 1705, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twentie first day of March Jaj vijc and fyve years


Letter: from the council

Letter from the Councill To the Secretary anent Captain Hews

Letter from the Councill to the Earle of Roxburgh Secretary in waiting anent Captain Hews giveing Satisfaction to the Councill for the abuse committed wpon the Scots Ships and barques that passes the firth, Being read was Signed by the Marques of Annandale In name and in presence of the Counsell, and ordered to be recorded, and transmitted by a flying packet The tenor of which Letter follows
My Lord
The Councill having received information of abuses and insults committed by those belonging to Captain Hews Commander of the Winchester Friggott Sent down hither to convoy the recruits for Holland, wpon our Ships and barks within our firth and harbours, and haveing called him, and he refuseing to appear2 to answer for the Same, They ordered a representation to be made therof and Laid befor her Majestie for vindicating the authority of her Majesties Councill, and censureing of the Captain as they Judged him to deserve, But the Captain being Since better informed, and coming to a Just Sense of his mistake, hath made his application to the Councill acknowledging his mistake, and with all hath Satisfied ther Lordships that his officers and Seamen had exceeded his orders and that for heirafter he would be very carefull to behave with all respect and deference to their lordships, and give no cause of offense, Wherfor the Councill considering that the dispatch of the recruits which are now ready to be Sent away, did greatly concerne her Majesties Service, They did the more ready inclyns to accept of the Captains acknowledgment, and to allow him to take the recruits aboard, and under his convoy conforme to his first orders, And therwpon have appoynted the matter as it now is to be represented to her Majestie, that the Captains offense may be past, And that her Majestie would be pleased to allow what her Counsell hath done in accepting of the Captains acknowledgment and reponeing him to the trust was committed to him, For the Councill was Justly apprehensive that if the recruits Should be Stopt, And to Sending of them delayed till a new Convoy Should be Sent down to attend them, It might in this Season of the year be greatly prejudiciall. The Councill doe also desyre that her Majestie may be informed that when our Ships doe carrie recruits to Holland they Dutch neglect to give them any convoys for ther Safe returne, And that therfor her Majestie would be pleased to recommend it to her. Envoy at the Hague that when at any tyme our Ships Shall carry over recruits they may wpon ther arryveall in Holland be provyded of Convoys for ther Safe returne, And that ther may be no more occasion given of the Complaints that have been made of ther being necessitat to wait ther for convoys for for3 Severall moneths to their great Loss and damnage, which is both a hardshipe wpon the Ships and persons concerned, And are all obstruction of her Majesties Service, which the Councill doe earnestly intreat may be fore heirafter prevented, This by warrand, and in presence of the Lords of her Majesties Privie Councill is Signified to yor Lordship By My Lord Yor Lordships humble Servant Sic Subscribitur Annandale I.P.D.

Att Edinburgh the Twentie first day of March Jaj vijc and fyve years


Letter: from the council

Letter from the Councill To the Secretary anent Captain Hews

Letter from the Councill to the Earle of Roxburgh Secretary in waiting anent Captain Hews giveing Satisfaction to the Councill for the abuse committed wpon the Scots Ships and barques that passes the firth, Being read was Signed by the Marques of Annandale In name and in presence of the Counsell, and ordered to be recorded, and transmitted by a flying packet The tenor of which Letter follows
My Lord
The Councill having received information of abuses and insults committed by those belonging to Captain Hews Commander of the Winchester Friggott Sent down hither to convoy the recruits for Holland, wpon our Ships and barks within our firth and harbours, and haveing called him, and he refuseing to appear2 to answer for the Same, They ordered a representation to be made therof and Laid befor her Majestie for vindicating the authority of her Majesties Councill, and censureing of the Captain as they Judged him to deserve, But the Captain being Since better informed, and coming to a Just Sense of his mistake, hath made his application to the Councill acknowledging his mistake, and with all hath Satisfied ther Lordships that his officers and Seamen had exceeded his orders and that for heirafter he would be very carefull to behave with all respect and deference to their lordships, and give no cause of offense, Wherfor the Councill considering that the dispatch of the recruits which are now ready to be Sent away, did greatly concerne her Majesties Service, They did the more ready inclyns to accept of the Captains acknowledgment, and to allow him to take the recruits aboard, and under his convoy conforme to his first orders, And therwpon have appoynted the matter as it now is to be represented to her Majestie, that the Captains offense may be past, And that her Majestie would be pleased to allow what her Counsell hath done in accepting of the Captains acknowledgment and reponeing him to the trust was committed to him, For the Councill was Justly apprehensive that if the recruits Should be Stopt, And to Sending of them delayed till a new Convoy Should be Sent down to attend them, It might in this Season of the year be greatly prejudiciall. The Councill doe also desyre that her Majestie may be informed that when our Ships doe carrie recruits to Holland they Dutch neglect to give them any convoys for ther Safe returne, And that therfor her Majestie would be pleased to recommend it to her. Envoy at the Hague that when at any tyme our Ships Shall carry over recruits they may wpon ther arryveall in Holland be provyded of Convoys for ther Safe returne, And that ther may be no more occasion given of the Complaints that have been made of ther being necessitat to wait ther for convoys for for3 Severall moneths to their great Loss and damnage, which is both a hardshipe wpon the Ships and persons concerned, And are all obstruction of her Majesties Service, which the Councill doe earnestly intreat may be fore heirafter prevented, This by warrand, and in presence of the Lords of her Majesties Privie Councill is Signified to yor Lordship By My Lord Yor Lordships humble Servant Sic Subscribitur Annandale I.P.D.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 376.

2. The phrase ‘to appear’ is an insertion.

3. Sic.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 376.

2. The phrase ‘to appear’ is an insertion.

3. Sic.