Att Holyrudehouse the Eight day of September Jaj vijc and fyve years
Passport to Captain Godett
Mitchell Godett Captain of the French privateer taken by Captain Matthew Campbell Comander of her Majesties Ship the Dumbarton Castell, haveing represented to his Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell that he with nyne of his men being by former ordinance of Councell Appoynted to be continued in prisone ay and whill John Adams master, Patrick Mudie, John Carr, John Mckenzie, James Shearer, William Ritchie, Robert Crone, Archbald Millar, William Rodger and Matthew Scott all Scots men now prisoners in Duinan in France, be sett at liberty, and have a Sufficient and valide passport to returne home without trouble or molestatione And that the Same Should be notified to the Councell; And the said Captain being desyreous to returne to France in order to procure the more Speedy liberty and releasment to the foirnamed persons; and haveing given his paroll of honor to her Majesties high Commissioner that he Shall either procure the releasment and liberty of the foirnamed persons and that the Samen Shall be notified to his Grace and the Councell within three moneths hence or otherwayes that he shall returne to Scotland, and reenter himselfe to prison His Grace and the Saids Lords having considered the Samen They heirby Permitt and allow the said Captain Mitchell Godett to returne to France without trouble or molestation for the end forsaid, And discharges all persons to trouble or mollest him in his voyage thither, And appoynts the Cashet of the privie Councell of Scotland to be appended, and the Clerks to give out extract heirof accordingly.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 421-2.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 421-2.