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Editorial Introduction
Historical Introduction
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Warrant, 13 February 1705, Edinburgh
2 January 1705
Procedure: [Committee anent and search of The Worcester]
4 January 1705
Procedure: Recomendation to the Earle of Leven, and Advocat To examine Greens Crew and inspect his papers
8 January 1705
Act: Act appointing Mr Roderick Mackenzie to publish any papers he hes in his custodie belonging to Captain Green and his Crew In the hands of the Earle of Leven To be by his Lordship perused
Order: Recommendation to Livt Generall George Ramsay To send a partie of souldiers to Bruntisland Therein to remaine till Captain Greens shype be Inteirly livered
11 January 1705
Warrant: Warrand to James Clark To cutt Matresses punctions and dyes for Coyning Ten and fyve shilling peices
16 January 1705
Procedure: committee report: Report of the Committie of ther haveing caused Liber the Worchester
Order: Recommendation To the Theasaurie To pay Boatmen
Act: Act in favours of Collonell Patrick Ogilvie
23 January 1705
Procedure: Commission to Adam Cockburne of Ormiestoun To be Lord Justice Clerk
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queens Majestie adding the Lord Justice Clerk to the Councill
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen Adjurneing the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjurneing the parliament to the 27 March 1705
Act: Act In favours of the Commissioners of the Presbetrie of Hadingtoun
Decreet: Decreit The Agent for the Kirk against Mr George Strachan
Warrant: Warrand for transporting four women from Aberdeen to be tryed befor the Justice Court
Procedure: Recommendation to the Committie anent the East India Ship to meet
25 January 1705
Act: Act Continueing Captain Green and Crews aliment
1 February 1705
Procedure: Recommendation to the Committee to give assureance of Indemnitie to Each of Captain Greens Crew as Shall make any discovery
Order: Recommendation to the Theasaurie to treat with Duke of Gordon anent Fort William
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent prohibite goods
Warrant: Warrand for makeing use of the new Cashet
Warrant: Warrand for alimenting Captain Green and others of his Crew
Warrant: Warrand for the Magistrats of Edinburgh for keeping the Queens birth day
Warrant: Warrand to the Governour of the Castell to fyre the Guns upon the Queens birth day
8 February 1705
Warrant: Warrand for Generall Maitland to continue the possession of fewall for the Garison of Fort William
9 February 1705
Proclamation: Proclamation against Papists
13 February 1705
Act: Act and Warrand approveing of the Committies Report anent Captain Greens Crew and nameing assistants to the procurator Fiscall of Admiralitie
Act: Act In favours of Captain Green and Crew
Warrant: Warrand to Meacers to advertise the Advocats To attend the Lord Advocat
15 February 1705
Act: Act Nameing Assessors to the Judges of the high Court of Admirality In the tryall of Captain Green and Crew
Warrant: Approbation of the Report of the Committie anent the murder att Pittenweem
Decreet: Decreet of Suspension The Agent for the Kirk against Doctor Waddell
20 February 1705
Order: Instructions to Captain Campbell
Act: Act Appoynting Captain Greens papers to be delivered to the Clerk of the Admiralitie
Procedure: Approbation of the Committie for restraining the Import of prohibite Goods
Act: Act Anent destroying prohibite goods
Warrant: Warrand to the Generall to send a party of Souldiers aboard the Dumbarton Castell
22 February 1705
Letter: from the council: Letter from the Counsell to the Secretary anent Fort William
27 February 1705
Act: Repryve for Grissell Tullos
Act: Act and Sentence Against Elspet Tulloch and Jannet Dallas
1 March 1705
Warrant: Warrand for opening the Mint
Decreet: Decreet Her Majesties Advocat Against Ensigne Fleeming and Galbraith
Order: Recommendation to the Generall Ramsay to Intimat to the Flanders officers to have ther recruits in readieness
Procedure: Recommendation to Lord Advocat to prepare a letter to the Queen anent Convoys
8 March 1705
Order: [Instructions for Captain Thomas Gordon]
Order: Recommendation to Genell Ramsay to Send forces aboard the Royall Mary
12 March 1705
Letter: from the council: Letter from the Councill To the Secretary of State
Procedure: Declarations of Skippers etc
Procedure: committee formed: Committie for publict occurances
13 March 1705
Letter: royal: Queens Letter for Adjurneing the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation adjourning the parliament
20 March 1705
Procedure: Commissio Joannis Ducis de Argyle pro parliamento tenendo
Procedure: Commissio Jacobi Comitis de Seafeild de officio Summi Cancellarii Scotiae
Procedure: Commissio Gulielmi Marchionis de Annandale de officio Unius ex principalibus Status Secretariis
Procedure: Recommendation to Generall Ramsay for Shiping the Recruits
21 March 1705
Letter: from the council: Letter from the Councill To the Secretary anent Captain Hews
Order: [Recommendation of Captain George Yeaman to her Majesties Thesaury]
28 March 1705
Procedure: [Earl of Seafield takes the oath of allegience]
Procedure: [Earl of Roxburgh takes the oath de fidelii]
Procedure: [Commission Marquess of Tweeddale to be President of Privy Council]
Procedure: Commission In favors of the Marques of Annandale To be Commissioner to the Generall Assemblie
Procedure: Sir Alexander Ogilvie
Procedure: Recommendation to wrytt to Captain Campbell
28 March 1705(pm)
Act: Repryve In favoures of Thomas Lintsteed
Act: Repryve In favours of George Haynes
Letter: royal: Letter to the Queen anent Captain Green etc
3 April 1705
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Councill for a repryve to Captain Green and his Crew
Act: Repryve to Captain Green, Mader, Simpson and Geigle
Act: Repryve to John Bruckley
Procedure: Recommendation to the Lord Chancellor to wryt to the Duke of Gordon anent Fort William
Decreet: Decreet The Agent to the Kirk against Mr James Gray and Mr2 Thomas Hall
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councell To the Queens Majestie Anent Captain Green and his Crew
Warrant: Warrand to delyver the Keyes of the Warehouses at Leith, wher the Cargo of the Worchester Lyes, To the Admirall Clerk
10 April 1705
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Councell anent Captain Green and Crew
Decreet: Interloquitor anent Captain Green
Act: Act Commouting the Sentence of death Against Barbara Tanahill to Banishment
11 April 1705
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen anent Captain Green and [...]
Act: Repryve In favours of Andrew Robison and others of Greens Crew
17 April 1705
Warrant: Warrand to the Magistrats of Edinburgh to continue ther dilligence and make further inquirie anent the persons accessory to the late rable
Warrant: Warrand to the Judges of Admiralitie to cause pay up Captain Greens Crew
Act: Repryve To Henry Keigle and others of Greens Crew
Act: Repryve to James Burne and others of Captain Greens Crew
Proclamation: Proclamation Against Tumults
18 April 1705
Warrant: Warrand for fuall to Fort William etc
Warrant: Warrand to aliment false coyners
Letter: royal: Queens Letter for adjurning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation adjurning the parliament
26 April 1705
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Councell adding the Earle of Glasgow to the Councell
Letter: royal: Queens letter adding Lord Ard Campbell to the Councill
Procedure: Commission to the Lord Philiphaugh to be Lord Register
Letter: royal: Queens Letter to the Councill adding the Lord Register to the Councill
Warrant: Warrand for takeing the oaths of the late Register and his deput and servants anent the Records
Procedure: Captain Grants letter To the Chancellor
Warrant: Warrand to the Earl of Marr to take tryall anent the Murder Committed on Captain Grants man
Warrant: Warrand to the Shirreff of Roxburgh To inquyre anent a rable
Decreet: Decreet Agent to the Kirk against Mr William Ratrie Minister
Act: Repryve To George Glen and others
Act: Reprye to Henry Keigle and others
Act: Repryve to Bruckley
Act: Protection to Charles May
Warrant: Warrand to delyver the keyes of Caputh and Logiebryde
Order: [Aliement to Captain Green's crew]
1 May 1705
Act: Act appoynting the Judges of Admirality to cause pay wp Greens Crew ther aliment
Act: Act and protection to Bettie Laing
Procedure: Recommendation to a Committee to examine Haynes and others of Green Crew
Procedure: Recommendation to my Lord Advocat to raise a lybell against Kirkonell etc papists
8 May 1705
Procedure: [Note of business]
10 May 1705
Act: Decreet and Act Banishing William Durham a papist
Decreet: Decreit Her Majesties Advocat against Rablers
Act: Act Banishing Knox and Davidson rablers
Warrant: Warrand for liberating Oliphant and Halyday
Procedure: Exoneration To James Johnstoun Esquire late Lord Register and his deput and Servants
15 May 1705
Letter: royal: Queen Letter for adjurneing the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation for adjourning the parliament
Procedure: Recommendation to Lord Advocat anent Haynes
Warrant: Warrand for Haynes and Lintsteed liberations
Procedure: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat
30 May 1705
Procedure: Earl of Stair qualified as as Privie Councellor
Procedure: Recommendation to the Commissioner to wryt to the Queen anent Fr Prisoners
Warrant: Warrand to Captain Campbell to transmitt the French prisoners to Glasgow Tollbooth
Warrant: Warrand to the Magistrats of Glasgow to receive and aliment the French prisoners
Warrant: Warrand to continue the Cruize of the two frigotts
Act: Repryve to Henry Keigle and others
Act: Repryve to Glen and others
Act: Repryve to Bruckley
Act: Prorogation of William Durhams banishment
Act: Prorogation of Captain Livingstons banishment
Order: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat to prosecute those that had come from France since the Indemnitie
6 June 1705
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen adding Lord Pollock to the Councell
Letter: royal: Letter from Queen adjurneing the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation Adjourning the parliament
Act: Prorogation of Davidson and Knox banishment
12 June 1705
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen
Procedure: Commission The Earl of Loudoun to be one of the Secretaryes of State
Procedure: Commission The Earle of Glasgow To be Thesaurer deput
Warrant: Warrant to the Lord Advocat anent the Walls
Warrant: Warrant to the Magistrats of Glasgow to liberat the Captain of a French privateer from prison
Procedure: Recommendation to the Lord Justice Clerk and Mr Francis Montgomrie to speak to the Lord Advocat anent Turpie and others, Slaves in Algeirs
19 June 1705
Procedure: Alleadgance and assurance taken by Sir David Nairne
Procedure: Sir David Nairne qualified
Act: Act dismissing the French prisoners
26 June 1705
Warrant: Warrant to Commissary Alves to append the privie Seall till further orders
Decreet: Decreet The Agent for the Kirk against Lauder and Graham Ministers
Procedure: Earl of Cromartie and Lord Forbes qualified as Councellors
Warrant: Warrand for liberating James Drysdale
24 July 1705
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Councell adding the Duke of Queensberrie to the Councell
Procedure: Commission In favoures of James Duke of Queensberrie to be privie seall
Act: Repryve to Captain Greens Crew
1 August 1705
Warrant: Warrand to the Magistrats of Glasgow to delyver the French prisoners to a partie of the forces
Warrant: Warrand and Recommendation to Generall Ramsay to send a partie for the French prisoners
Warrant: Warrand to the Magistrats of Cannogat to receive the French prisoners
Warrant: Warrand to the Magistrats of Leith to receive the French prisoners
25 August 1705
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councell to the Queen
Warrant: Warrant to give ane extract of the Earle of Roxburghs letter To the Duke of Gordon
Warrant: Warrant to two French prisoners to Stay in Scotland
Order: [Order to deliver up papers of George Maxwell of Orchardtoun]
Act: Act Prorogating James Drysdales banishment
5 September 1705
Order: Sailling orders to Captain Gordon
Order: Order to the Magistrats of Cannongat and Leith to delyver French prisoners to Captain Gordon
8 September 1705
Act: Passport to Captain Godett
26 September 1705
Warrant: Forlofe to Major Generall Maitland
Act: Repryve to Captain Greens Crew
Act: Sailling orders to Captain Gordon
2 October 1705
Commission by the Council: Commission In Favours of Collonell Ogilvie and others
Warrant: Warrand for receiving Coll Ogilvie and others ther bond of Cautionrie
Proclamation: Proclamation Prorogating the meeting of the Commissioners of Supplie till the 6th November
Procedure: Recommendation to my Lord Advocat to cause Greens Crew take the oaths befor delyverie of ther Remission
Warrant: Warrand to Captain Gordon to Saill to Scarseburgh
Procedure: Recommendation to the Committee anent Pittenweem to meet
4 October 1705
Procedure: Commission In favours of the Earle of Marr to be one of the principall secretaryes of State
Procedure: Commission In favours of Mr Alexander Maitland of Pittreichie To be one of the Clerks of privie Councill
Order: Recommendation for delyvering the Remission to Greens Crew and Setting them att liberty
Commission: Commission nameing Justices of peace within the Shyre of Elgine and Forres
Act: [Patent for a book anent the history of Scotland]
20 November 1705
Procedure: [Sutherland elected preses]
Act: Act In favors of Mrs Anderson printer
29 November 1705
Procedure: [Crawford elected Preses]
Decreet: Decreit Her Majesties Advocat against Mr Arthur Millar, Mr James Strachan and Mr Andrew Bruce
11 December 1705
Procedure: : [Queensberry elected Preses]
Letter: royal: : Letter from the Queen for Adjurneing the parliament
Proclamation: : Proclamation Adjurneing the parliament to the 26 February nixt to come
Order: : Recommendation to the Theasaury In favours of Collonell Ogilvie and others
Proclamation: : Proclamation explaining some clauses in the Commission for hindering the Importation of Irish victuall
13 December 1705
Procedure: committee formed: : Committie anent Prest men and Souldiers and for determineing debats theranent
4 January 1705
Decreet: Decreit John Chalmers procurator Fiscall of Elgine against James Steuart Baillie there
8 January 1705
Act: Act in favours of Alexander Cannan Brother german To John Cannan of Barley for Greirson of Lagg
9 January 1705
Act: Act in favours of James Donaldson for ane Manufactory for forgeing etc
16 January 1705
Act: Act in favours of the Lady Bredisholme younger
Act: Act in favours of Anna Cheisley
18 January 1705
Decreet: Decreit in favours of the Viscount of Arbuthnet, appoynting the custody of his Brother and Sisters to belong to him
Commission by the Council: Comission In favours of Mr Dougall Stewart To be Stewart of the Stewartrie of Monteith
Judicial Proceeding: protestation: Protestation Edmonstoun of Dunreath against Hamiltoun of Orbistoun
23 January 1705
Warrant: Warrand for extracting Anna Chiesleyes act of the former date
Act: Act appoynting a Birthbrieff to be extendd in favours of Master Alexander Marfield
Decreet: Decreit David McCulloch etc against Bayne of Tulloch
25 January 1705
Act: Act in favours of the Countess of Southesque for the Custody of the Earle
1 February 1705
Act: Act in favours of the Countess of Southesque for ane aliment to the Earle
8 February 1705
Decreet: Decreit Mr John Kennedy Minister at Peter Coulter and Mr Alexander Thomsone some tyme minister there
Decreet: Interloquitor in the proces Patton of Panholls against the Earle of Perth
13 February 1705
Warrant: Warrand appoynting the Lady Bredisholme to use Dilligence upon her Act against her Father in Law
Act: Act in favours of Adam Boig for printing the Edinburgh Currant
15 February 1705
Act: Act in favours of the Earle of Murray
27 February 1705
Act: Act in favours of the Lady Bredisholme younger
8 March 1705
Act: Act In favours of Mr William Forbes Advocat to print a book
Act: Act In favours of Mr James Webster to print a book
Judicial Proceeding: Lybell Craig of Riccartoun against Sir James Baird
12 March 1705
Act: Act In favours of Sir William Bruce of Stenhouse for an aliment