Warrant, 2 October 1705, Edinburgh

Act, 12 March 1705, Edinburgh

Att Holyrudehouse the second day of October Jaj vijc and fyve yeirs



Warrand for receiving Coll Ogilvie and others ther bond of Cautionrie

The Commission abovewrytten In favours of Collonell Patrick Ogilvie of Cairnes, Sir John Shaw of Greenock, and Sir Archbald Campbell of Clunnes for hindering the Importation of Irish victuall, horses, mears, cheese and butter and other prohibite goods, being read, the Samen was voted, approven, and Signed and appoynted to be recorded; And his Grace her Majesties high Commissioner, and Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell Recommended to the Committee formerly appoynted to prepare the Samen (Viz The Earle of Levine, Lord Archbald Campbell, Lords President of Session, Register, Advocat and Mr Francis Montgomrie) To adjust the bond to be granted by the persons therin commissionat, and wpon the Bonds being adjusted, Appoynts the Commission to be given out, And that the Said bond obleidge the persons Commissionate forsaid to report their dilligence to the privie Councell once every halfe year: And wpon the third day of october instant the said Committie haveing mett and elected the Earle of Glasgow preces, And haveing heard the bond to be granted by the persons forsaids Read over in ther presence, And haveing considered the Samen, They are of oppinion the Samen Should be received by the Clerks, being in the terms of the Commission granted to the foirnamed persons for hindering the Importation of Irish victuall, butter and cheese etc and act and recommendation of the Councell following theron and abovementioned, which is deduced in the said bond, and therfor conforme to the power remitted to the said Committie; They grant warrand to the Clerks of Councell to receive the forsaid bond and to give out the Commission accordingly, and wpon the the2 fourth day of the said moneth by another order and warrand wnder the hand of the said Earle of Glasgow preses of the said Comittie, his lordship ordered the clause wnderwrittin to be insert in the bond to be Signed by Sir John Shaw, Collonell Ogilvie and Sir Archbald Campbell Viz Provyding alewayes, Lykeas it is heirby exprovyded and declaired that wee Shall only be lyable for the said penaltie of ten merks for each boll of Irish imported victuall So Long as their Shall be a yeirly fund of Ten Thousand merks allowed to ws, and wee assisted with the said number of forces to enable ws to execute our Commission effectuallie, But in all events Shall be obleidged to execute the Same with fidelity dureing the continuances therof.

Att Holyrudehouse the second day of October Jaj vijc and fyve yeirs



Warrand for receiving Coll Ogilvie and others ther bond of Cautionrie

The Commission abovewrytten In favours of Collonell Patrick Ogilvie of Cairnes, Sir John Shaw of Greenock, and Sir Archbald Campbell of Clunnes for hindering the Importation of Irish victuall, horses, mears, cheese and butter and other prohibite goods, being read, the Samen was voted, approven, and Signed and appoynted to be recorded; And his Grace her Majesties high Commissioner, and Lords of her Majesties Privie Councell Recommended to the Committee formerly appoynted to prepare the Samen (Viz The Earle of Levine, Lord Archbald Campbell, Lords President of Session, Register, Advocat and Mr Francis Montgomrie) To adjust the bond to be granted by the persons therin commissionat, and wpon the Bonds being adjusted, Appoynts the Commission to be given out, And that the Said bond obleidge the persons Commissionate forsaid to report their dilligence to the privie Councell once every halfe year: And wpon the third day of october instant the said Committie haveing mett and elected the Earle of Glasgow preces, And haveing heard the bond to be granted by the persons forsaids Read over in ther presence, And haveing considered the Samen, They are of oppinion the Samen Should be received by the Clerks, being in the terms of the Commission granted to the foirnamed persons for hindering the Importation of Irish victuall, butter and cheese etc and act and recommendation of the Councell following theron and abovementioned, which is deduced in the said bond, and therfor conforme to the power remitted to the said Committie; They grant warrand to the Clerks of Councell to receive the forsaid bond and to give out the Commission accordingly, and wpon the the2 fourth day of the said moneth by another order and warrand wnder the hand of the said Earle of Glasgow preses of the said Comittie, his lordship ordered the clause wnderwrittin to be insert in the bond to be Signed by Sir John Shaw, Collonell Ogilvie and Sir Archbald Campbell Viz Provyding alewayes, Lykeas it is heirby exprovyded and declaired that wee Shall only be lyable for the said penaltie of ten merks for each boll of Irish imported victuall So Long as their Shall be a yeirly fund of Ten Thousand merks allowed to ws, and wee assisted with the said number of forces to enable ws to execute our Commission effectuallie, But in all events Shall be obleidged to execute the Same with fidelity dureing the continuances therof.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 425.

2. Sic.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 425.

2. Sic.