Edinburgh the 11th November 1703
Act Infavours of Mr William Forbes Advocat
Annent The petition given in and presented to The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By Mr William Forbes Advocat Shewing That wher the petitioner Have composed a Methodicall treatise concerning bills of Exchange Wherin is ane account off the rise and progress of Exchange The nature and kynds oft explained The prevailling Customes off Merchants illustrated and confirmed from Civill Law The authoritie of Lauiers and wrytters antient and modern forraigne statuites and sentances of Courts, Acts of parliament, and Decisions off the Lords of Session and all cruious and usefull caices Questiones and Contraversies, touching bills fairly stated and Discussed, according to the Analogy of the scotts Laws And Therfore Creaving to the effect aftermentioned As the said petitione bears The Lords off Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given into them By Mr William Forbes Advocat And the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords Doe heirby grant To the petitioner his aires and assignyes The sole priviledge off printing and vending and selling a book Intituled A Methodicall Treatise concerning Bills of Exchange etc And Dischairges all other persones whatsomever To print, reprint, sell or import into this Kingdome any off the saids books For the space off nyneteen years from the date heirof and that under the pain and penaltie of Confiscation off the saids books to the use off the petitioner or his Forsaids And further under the penalty off Five Hundereth merks scotts money to be payed by the Contraveeners to the petitioner and his forsaids besydes the seazure and forefaulture Forsaid.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 273v-274r.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 273v-274r.