Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of September Jaj vijc and thrie years
Act The Lady Dougar of Lovat
Anent the petition given in to Her Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill By Emilia Lady Dowager of Lovit Shewing That Captain Simion Fraser of Bewfort being denunced rebell and intercomuned at the petitioners instance upon the sixteinth day of March Jaj vijc and two years at the marcat cross of Invernes And upon the Seventeinth day of February proceeding at the marcat cross of Edinburgh for a most horid and abominable cryme Committed upon the petitioners persone which was nottour to the whole nation, Wherupon he having fled out of the2 Kingdome escaped the hand of Justice yet has now adventured to returne to that place wher his Villany was Committed in contempt of authority and the Justice of the Nation And Therfore humbly Craveing that according to Justice and Law in such caices the saids Lords would be pleased to direct a Commission of fyre and Sword against the said Captain Simion Fraser ane intercomuned rebell and his associats to the Commander of her Majesties forces Shirriffs of the Shyres of Innvernes and Ross and their deputs and such other persones as the Saids Lords should think iftt to name. According to their usuall custome in such caices as the petition bears His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Haveing considered the above petition given in to them by Emilia Lady Dougar of Lovat with the Letters of intercomuneing and executiones therof at her instance against Captain Simion Fraser of Beaufort and the Samen being read in their presence His Grace and the saids Lords Doe hereby Grant the petitioner ane Commission of Fyre and Sword against the said Captain Simion Fraser of Beaufort; And appoints and Ordaines the Clerks of Councill to bring in the Samen drawen in due forme the nixt Councill day.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 49-50.
2. The word ‘Natione’ has been scored out at this point in the MS.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 49-50.
2. The word ‘Natione’ has been scored out at this point in the MS.