Att Edinburgh The Fourteinth day of January One Thousand Seven hundred and thrie years
Letter: royal
Letter from the Queen to the Councill anent the Earl of Orkneys recruits
Letter from the Queens Majestie to the privy Councill Anent Levieing of Recruits to the two2 Batallians of foot (now in Holland) Commanded by the Earle of Orkney Read and ordered to be recorded And a warrand ordained to be extended thereon3 wherof the tenor followes.
Sic Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Right trustie and right well beloved Cousin and Councillor; Right trusty and intirely beloved Cousins and Councillors; Right trustie and well beloved Cousins and Councillors; Right trusty and well beloved Councillors; and trustie and well beloved Councillors; Wee greet yow well; Wheras ther are Severall men wanting to recruit our too Battallians of foot (now in Holland) Commanded by the Earle of Orkney And it being for our Service that the said recruits be Levied in that our kingdome to which end ther are Severall officers to repair thither; It is Therfore our will and pleasure That yow give these officers (upon their application) all due encouragment and assistance; By allowing them to beat Drums and take such other methods as are usuall on Such Occasiones; Allwayes keeping them within the bounds that the Law prescribes. And wee recommend to yow a due care and temper in this matter by giveing speciall orders for preventing any abuses in makeing the said Levies So Wee bid yow heartily farewell; Given at our Court at St James’s the 31 day of December 1702 and of our reigne the first year. By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Tarbat
1. NRS, PC1/52, 488.
2. The word ‘regiments’ has been scored out at this point in the MS.
3. The phrase ‘And a warrand ordained to be extended thereon’ is an insertion.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 488.
2. The word ‘regiments’ has been scored out at this point in the MS.
3. The phrase ‘And a warrand ordained to be extended thereon’ is an insertion.