Att Edinburgh The Nynth of March One thousand Seven hundred and thrie years Ante Meridiem
Committie anent publict Occurrances dureing the ensueing vaccance
The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Doe hereby Nominat and appoint; The Marques of Annandale Lord President of privy Councill; Earle of Tillibardine Lord privy Seall; The Marques of Lothian; Earles of Lauderdale; Finlator Forfar, March, Viscount of Tarbat and of the Secretaries of State; Viscount of Rossberry; Lords President of Session; Advocat, Aberurchill; Anstruther; Phesdoe; Major Generall Ramsay; Collingtoune; Stivenson; Carnwath; Hopetoune; and Lord Provest of Edinburgh and any other officers of State or Councillors that pleases to meett; To be a Committie for publict Occurances dureing the Ensueing Vaccance And Declares any five of the said Committie to be a quorum
1. NRS, PC1/52, 529.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 529.