Edinburgh the Twentie Eight day of December, Jaj vijc and thrie years
Letter: royal
Letter from the Councill To The Queen in answer to her Majesties letter anent ill practices in Scotland against the Government
Wee have the honour of your Royall Letter wherin wee doe with all thankfullnes acknowledge your vigilent care of the Safety and preservation of this your ancient kingdome assureing your Majestie of our best Concurrance as in duty obliged, your Majesties Advocat did acquaint Us with what is Recommended to him, and wee have appointed a Committie and given all the necessary orders for his assistance; Wee have also given our directiones in what else may be requisit for preserveing the peace of the Countrey and particularly to Livetenent Generall Ramsay who tells us that he hade lately Laid before your Majestie the Condition and State of your Forces and how they are posted to the best advantage, And as for what concerne the Garisones, wee have earnestly Recommended the Same to the Lords of thesaury That they may be Sufficiently provided, But Wee furder judge it our part to Informe your Majestie That wee find ther are not sufficient provisiones either of armes or amunition for defence of the Countries and that ther are no Sufficient fonds Wherby they may be Supplied. The Committie of Councill haveing Secured Captain McCleod and Charles McKinnen two of the persones ordered to be taken up and given warrants for Seizeing those that are in the north or such others against whom they found just ground of suspicion. The Declarationes emitted by the persones in Custody subscrybed by the president of Councill for the time with a full accompt of our procedure hitherto are here with transmitted to your Secretaries to be Laid before your Majestie, And wee are very hope full that by the Blessing of God and your Majesties Royall prudence all the evill attempts of your enemies shall be intirely frustrat and defeat Wee are, May it please your Majestie. Your Majesties most Loyall most faithfull and most obedient Subjects and Servants Sic Subscribitur Lauderdale I:P:D: Buchan Loudoun Findlator Northesk, Glasgow Garnock, James Murray, Robert McKenzie, C Campbell John Hamilton Archibald Hope, James Falconar Francis Montgomry, Robert Sinclair Geoge Lockhart William Morison.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 95-6.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 95-6.