Order, 8 October 1703, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1703, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Eight day of October Jaj vijc and thrie years. Called extraordinar



[Commission to try thieves in Stirlingshire]

Her Majesties advocat haveing Represented to the Councill That Mr Charles Bennet Shirriff depute of Stirlingshyre hade wryten to his Lordship desyreing a Commission for trying of some theives which were apprehended there The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Recommends to her Majesties advocat to prepair and bring in to the Councill against the first Councill day of November nixt ane Commission of Justiciary for trying of Thieves apprehended and incarcerat by the Shirriff depute of Stirling Shyre And in the mean tyme to wryt to the said Shirriff depute to take care they be keeped Still in prison there.

Att Edinburgh the Eight day of October Jaj vijc and thrie years. Called extraordinar



[Commission to try thieves in Stirlingshire]

Her Majesties advocat haveing Represented to the Councill That Mr Charles Bennet Shirriff depute of Stirlingshyre hade wryten to his Lordship desyreing a Commission for trying of some theives which were apprehended there The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Recommends to her Majesties advocat to prepair and bring in to the Councill against the first Councill day of November nixt ane Commission of Justiciary for trying of Thieves apprehended and incarcerat by the Shirriff depute of Stirling Shyre And in the mean tyme to wryt to the said Shirriff depute to take care they be keeped Still in prison there.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 69.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 69.