Act, 19 January 1703, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1703, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 19th January 1703



Act Infavours of the Court of Directors etc

Annent The Petitione given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By the Court of Directors of the Companie of Scotland Trading to Affrica and the Indies Shewing That ther being a Shipe off about Tuo hundered seventie five Tuns burden mounted with Tuenty Six pices of Ordinarie or Great Guns with Suteable Amunition and small arms ready to saill from the River of Thames for the East Indies upon the said Companys account And that by reason of the Dipending Disput betuin those who acted in the office of the Admirality of this Kingdome By vertue off his late Majesties Commission and those who are now Commissioned by his Grace the Duke of Lennox as Lord high Admirall your Petitioners after earnest application made can not prevail with Either the one or the other To grant Letters of Mart For the said shipe untill the said Disput be Decided And Therfore craveing Their Lordships To interpose this authority in that matter so as to answer the present exigency In respect that the said shipe most unavoidably saill furth with Unless the run the hazerd of loasing boeth the season and Convoy And cannot be saiff without the said Letters of Mart as the said petition bears2 Which Petition Being upon the fourthteen off January Jaj vijc and three The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing heard the above petition Given into them By the Court of Directors off the Company of Scotland trading to Affrica and the Indies Read in their presence They heirby delayed the same till Tuesday nixt And in the mean tyme Recommends to Sir James Steuart Her Majesties Advocat To see and consider the said petition Edinburgh the Nynthteen of January Jaj vijc and Three I have seen the Petition presented to the Councill By the Affrican Companie about Letters off Mart with the privie Councills recommendation upon it and Their Lordships maybe pleased To know that Letters of Mart Can only be given by the high Admirall Or Vice Admirall with approbation off Her Majestie or the Lords off privie Councill As also that the Commission off Admirality granted by the late King with power to the Commissioners To give Letters of Mart with approbation as above stands yet undischairged or determined Save that the late Lord Chancellour is sine quo non Which puts a stop to it And Therfore it is thought That the privy Councill can only supply this deffect But whither ther Lordships by themselves will give Letters of Mart Is humbly submitted to ther Lordships Judgement For the Judge Admirall 3 was never in use to give Letters off Mart And ther is noe Admirall or vice Admirall yet in exercise And the Forsaid Commission is at a stand Because of the Earle of Marchmount then Chancelour his being therin sine quo non This is the humble returne of Sic Subscribitur James Steuart. And the said petition being upon the nynthteen day off January Jaj vijc and Three againe Called The saids Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given into them By the Court off Directors off the Affrican and Indian Company off Scotland annent Letters of Mart with the Report made By Her Majesties Advocat Annent the saids Letters off Mart And the samen Being read in their presence The saids Lords off Her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Recommend To Sir James Steuart her Majesties Advocat To writ to the Two Secretaries off State For this Kingdome To take the most effectuall method and way for procureing To the said Affrican and Indian Company Letters of Mart For the shipe sailed By […] Lyeing in the River off Thames and Imployed in the Companies service And that either From Her Majestie or From the Admirall off Scotland as their Lordships shall think Fit.

Edinburgh the 19th January 1703



Act Infavours of the Court of Directors etc

Annent The Petitione given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By the Court of Directors of the Companie of Scotland Trading to Affrica and the Indies Shewing That ther being a Shipe off about Tuo hundered seventie five Tuns burden mounted with Tuenty Six pices of Ordinarie or Great Guns with Suteable Amunition and small arms ready to saill from the River of Thames for the East Indies upon the said Companys account And that by reason of the Dipending Disput betuin those who acted in the office of the Admirality of this Kingdome By vertue off his late Majesties Commission and those who are now Commissioned by his Grace the Duke of Lennox as Lord high Admirall your Petitioners after earnest application made can not prevail with Either the one or the other To grant Letters of Mart For the said shipe untill the said Disput be Decided And Therfore craveing Their Lordships To interpose this authority in that matter so as to answer the present exigency In respect that the said shipe most unavoidably saill furth with Unless the run the hazerd of loasing boeth the season and Convoy And cannot be saiff without the said Letters of Mart as the said petition bears2 Which Petition Being upon the fourthteen off January Jaj vijc and three The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing heard the above petition Given into them By the Court of Directors off the Company of Scotland trading to Affrica and the Indies Read in their presence They heirby delayed the same till Tuesday nixt And in the mean tyme Recommends to Sir James Steuart Her Majesties Advocat To see and consider the said petition Edinburgh the Nynthteen of January Jaj vijc and Three I have seen the Petition presented to the Councill By the Affrican Companie about Letters off Mart with the privie Councills recommendation upon it and Their Lordships maybe pleased To know that Letters of Mart Can only be given by the high Admirall Or Vice Admirall with approbation off Her Majestie or the Lords off privie Councill As also that the Commission off Admirality granted by the late King with power to the Commissioners To give Letters of Mart with approbation as above stands yet undischairged or determined Save that the late Lord Chancellour is sine quo non Which puts a stop to it And Therfore it is thought That the privy Councill can only supply this deffect But whither ther Lordships by themselves will give Letters of Mart Is humbly submitted to ther Lordships Judgement For the Judge Admirall 3 was never in use to give Letters off Mart And ther is noe Admirall or vice Admirall yet in exercise And the Forsaid Commission is at a stand Because of the Earle of Marchmount then Chancelour his being therin sine quo non This is the humble returne of Sic Subscribitur James Steuart. And the said petition being upon the nynthteen day off January Jaj vijc and Three againe Called The saids Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given into them By the Court off Directors off the Affrican and Indian Company off Scotland annent Letters of Mart with the Report made By Her Majesties Advocat Annent the saids Letters off Mart And the samen Being read in their presence The saids Lords off Her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Recommend To Sir James Steuart her Majesties Advocat To writ to the Two Secretaries off State For this Kingdome To take the most effectuall method and way for procureing To the said Affrican and Indian Company Letters of Mart For the shipe sailed By […] Lyeing in the River off Thames and Imployed in the Companies service And that either From Her Majestie or From the Admirall off Scotland as their Lordships shall think Fit.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 237r-238r.

2. The words ‘as the said petition bears’ are an insertion.

3. Two illegible words scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 237r-238r.

2. The words ‘as the said petition bears’ are an insertion.

3. Two illegible words scored out here.