Att Edinburgh The first day of Aprill Jaj viic and thrie years Called Extraordinar
Recommendation to the Chancelor anent Jesuits and Preists etc
The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill haveing heard the report of a Committie of their oun number appointed to Consider the petition and grivances given in by the Generall assembly of the Church of Scotland to ther Lordships; The said Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Recommend to the said high Chancelor and such of the officers of state or Lords or others of the privy Councill as his Lordship shall think fitt to Call from time to time To Grant and direct Orders and warrands to the magistrats of burgh or Landward or to any of the officers of her Majesties forces To seize upon take and apprehend and Comitt to the nixt secure prisone the persones of the preists Jesuits or trafecking papists and popish Schoollmasters Contained and named on the said petition and Condesshendanc[e] given in by the said Generall Assembly; and any others against whom a signed information shall be given and that report be made to the Lords of privy Councill of the said Seizure and Commitment by vertue of any of the forsaid warrands
1. NRS, PC1/52, 548.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 548.