Edinburgh the 20th September 1703
Act Infavours off The Macers off privie Councill
Annent The petition given in and presented to His Grace Her Majesties High Commissioner And the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By The Macers of privie Councill Shewing That wher the petitioners wer at considerable Expensses in Furnishing themselves suitable to serve His Grace and parliament And have for a long tyme undergone a great daill of pains, trouble, and Fatigue in the service therof And throw the sitting of the said parliament, The privy Councill, Exchequer and the Commissione For plantatione off Kirks and valuatione off Teinds wer Interrupted From which Judicatories whom the petitioners serves as Macers Ther Casuall subsistance proceeds And it being the constant custome To Recommend the petitioners to the Lords Commissioners off Her Majesties Thesaurie For ane allowance suitable to their Expensses and paines in such caices And Thairfor Creaving to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition Bears His Grace Her Majesties high Commissioner And the Lords off Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing Considered the above petition Given into them By the Macers off privie Councill And the samen being read in their presence His Grace and the saids Lords Doe heirby Recommend To the Lords Commissioners off Her Majesties Theasaurie To grant to the petitioners such allowance as they think fit for ther Expensses In furnishing themselves suitably To serve His Grace Her Majesties high Commissioner and the Estates of parliament.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 266v.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 266v.