Proclamation, 30 March 1703, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1703, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Threttie day of March Jaj viic and Thrie years



Proclamation of Indemnity

Proclamation of Indemnity under her Majesties Royall hand Being Read; was ordered to be Recorded wherof the tenor follows. Sic Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Anne by the Grace of God Queen of Scotland England France and Ireland defender of the faith etc To all and Sundrie our good Subjects whom these presents doe or may concerne Greeting Forasmuchas It has been, and is our Constant Resolution and designe to Establish the peace and promote the wellfare of our people Non only by procureing the equall and Impartiall administration of Justice But also by Such Mixture of the benigne Influences of our goodnes and Clemencie as may best Compose all distempers and give a Just assurance Against all fears and Jealousies; And for that effect Wee being desirous to Compleat the indulgence that hitherto wee have Shewed; And to reclaime even Such offenders as might Justlie have expected the deserved effects of our displeasure: And that for time to come Wee may by a gracious pardon and act Oblivion establish firme peace and concord amongst all our Subjects; Therfore Wee of Certain knowledge and by vertue of our Soveraigne power and authority; Pardon; Remitt; Indemnifie and for ever acquit all and everie one of our Subjects of all Crymes of Perduellion; Rebellion Treason; Concealling of Treason; harbouring resett Supplieing Corrosponding and intercomuneing with Rebells and Declared enemies; The Impugneing the dignity and authoritie of the Estates of parliament and all other kinds of Treason; or Leise Majestie Whither Comon or Statutorie; and of all Crimes of Leesing makeing Whither to us of our Subjects or to our Subjects of Us, depriveing or misconstrueing our Lawes or any of our proceedings or misrepresenting or slandering us of our proceedings in any Sort and all breaches or abuses of or Malversationes in publict trusts with all other Crimes delinquences or transgresisones of whatsoever Nature or qualitie Committed acted or done by any of our Subjects by word or wryt or incurred by any other act aither of Commission or Commission preceiding the date of these presents; And which directly or indirectly are or may Import the Contravention of any Law or act of parliament Custome or Constituion of that our ancient kingdome And that in so farr as may inferr any paine or punishment against any of our Subjects aither in their Lives fortunes Estates forme or reputation; All which wee by vertue of our Royall power and authority forsaid Will Declare and Ordain to be hereby pardoned acquited and indemnified and put in perpetuall Oblivion And that this generall pardon and Indemnity Shall be alse valid and effectuall to all our Subjects for their exoneration and discharge of all paynes and punishments as if every particular Cryme offence delinquencie or Misdemeaner were here sett doun and as Remissiones under our great Seall were past and granted for the Same; Wherwith Wee for our Selves and Successors dispense for ever; Likeas Wee hereby prohibit and discharge any of our Ministers or Judges to call in question or proceed against any of our Said Subjects for the Saids Crimes and their paynes and punishments in time comeing Declareing and Ordaining This our Generall pardon and Indemnity to be interpret and understood in the most benign, favorable, and Comprehensive Sense the Same can admitt for the Security of our Subjects, Excepting allwayes furth and from this Generall parrdon and Indemnity all Forfaulters and Sentances and Dooms therof and all pecuniall fynes and unlaw’s allready payed or transacted And But prejudice to us or these Commissioned by Us to Call all Collectors and other intromitters with publict money to give accompt of their intromissione and to make payment of what Shall be found due by their Intromissions and Farder Excepting all Man-Slaughters; Murders, assassinationes Witch crafts; Fyre raiseings; Depredationes, Roberies Raps, Spulzies, Thifts houss breakings; Mutullationes Adultries, Blasphemies; and delinquencies of Immoralitie All which Crimes and these guilty therof are nowayes to be Comprehended in or have any benefitt by this our pardon and indemnity As to the said crumes Excepted: And Lastly to the end all our good Subjects may have Notice of2 our Royall will and pleasure Wee doe hereby Command our Lyon king of Armes and his bretheren heraulds; pursevants and mesingers at armes; To make due publication thereof at the Marcat Cross of Edinburgh; For all which these presents shall be a sufficient Warrant. Given at our Court at St James’s the i6th March 1702/3 And of our Reigne the Second year By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Queensberry

Att Edinburgh the Threttie day of March Jaj viic and Thrie years



Proclamation of Indemnity

Proclamation of Indemnity under her Majesties Royall hand Being Read; was ordered to be Recorded wherof the tenor follows. Sic Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Anne by the Grace of God Queen of Scotland England France and Ireland defender of the faith etc To all and Sundrie our good Subjects whom these presents doe or may concerne Greeting Forasmuchas It has been, and is our Constant Resolution and designe to Establish the peace and promote the wellfare of our people Non only by procureing the equall and Impartiall administration of Justice But also by Such Mixture of the benigne Influences of our goodnes and Clemencie as may best Compose all distempers and give a Just assurance Against all fears and Jealousies; And for that effect Wee being desirous to Compleat the indulgence that hitherto wee have Shewed; And to reclaime even Such offenders as might Justlie have expected the deserved effects of our displeasure: And that for time to come Wee may by a gracious pardon and act Oblivion establish firme peace and concord amongst all our Subjects; Therfore Wee of Certain knowledge and by vertue of our Soveraigne power and authority; Pardon; Remitt; Indemnifie and for ever acquit all and everie one of our Subjects of all Crymes of Perduellion; Rebellion Treason; Concealling of Treason; harbouring resett Supplieing Corrosponding and intercomuneing with Rebells and Declared enemies; The Impugneing the dignity and authoritie of the Estates of parliament and all other kinds of Treason; or Leise Majestie Whither Comon or Statutorie; and of all Crimes of Leesing makeing Whither to us of our Subjects or to our Subjects of Us, depriveing or misconstrueing our Lawes or any of our proceedings or misrepresenting or slandering us of our proceedings in any Sort and all breaches or abuses of or Malversationes in publict trusts with all other Crimes delinquences or transgresisones of whatsoever Nature or qualitie Committed acted or done by any of our Subjects by word or wryt or incurred by any other act aither of Commission or Commission preceiding the date of these presents; And which directly or indirectly are or may Import the Contravention of any Law or act of parliament Custome or Constituion of that our ancient kingdome And that in so farr as may inferr any paine or punishment against any of our Subjects aither in their Lives fortunes Estates forme or reputation; All which wee by vertue of our Royall power and authority forsaid Will Declare and Ordain to be hereby pardoned acquited and indemnified and put in perpetuall Oblivion And that this generall pardon and Indemnity Shall be alse valid and effectuall to all our Subjects for their exoneration and discharge of all paynes and punishments as if every particular Cryme offence delinquencie or Misdemeaner were here sett doun and as Remissiones under our great Seall were past and granted for the Same; Wherwith Wee for our Selves and Successors dispense for ever; Likeas Wee hereby prohibit and discharge any of our Ministers or Judges to call in question or proceed against any of our Said Subjects for the Saids Crimes and their paynes and punishments in time comeing Declareing and Ordaining This our Generall pardon and Indemnity to be interpret and understood in the most benign, favorable, and Comprehensive Sense the Same can admitt for the Security of our Subjects, Excepting allwayes furth and from this Generall parrdon and Indemnity all Forfaulters and Sentances and Dooms therof and all pecuniall fynes and unlaw’s allready payed or transacted And But prejudice to us or these Commissioned by Us to Call all Collectors and other intromitters with publict money to give accompt of their intromissione and to make payment of what Shall be found due by their Intromissions and Farder Excepting all Man-Slaughters; Murders, assassinationes Witch crafts; Fyre raiseings; Depredationes, Roberies Raps, Spulzies, Thifts houss breakings; Mutullationes Adultries, Blasphemies; and delinquencies of Immoralitie All which Crimes and these guilty therof are nowayes to be Comprehended in or have any benefitt by this our pardon and indemnity As to the said crumes Excepted: And Lastly to the end all our good Subjects may have Notice of2 our Royall will and pleasure Wee doe hereby Command our Lyon king of Armes and his bretheren heraulds; pursevants and mesingers at armes; To make due publication thereof at the Marcat Cross of Edinburgh; For all which these presents shall be a sufficient Warrant. Given at our Court at St James’s the i6th March 1702/3 And of our Reigne the Second year By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Queensberry

1. NRS, PC1/52, 538-40.

2. The word ‘this’ has been scored out at this point of the MS.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 538-40.

2. The word ‘this’ has been scored out at this point of the MS.