Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of September Jaj vijc and thrie years
Protest By the Tutors of the Marques of Douglas
Followes the Protestation By the Tutors of the said Marques of Douglas. And the Lords of privy Councill their interloquitor theron.
Wee Mary Marchioness of Douglas, William Marques of Lothian, James Earle of Mortoune Lord Charles Kerr director of the Chancelory and Sir Francis Scot of Thirlestoune tutors to Archibald, Marques of Douglas wherof thrie of us are ane quorum Doe with all humble Gratitude and dutie accept of the honour her Majestie is pleased to conferr on the Marques and family of Douglas, And as it is no doubt her Majesties Royall pleasure to Augment therby the dignity2 precedence and Speciall priviledges of the said Marques and his family, So wee the saids tutors in name of the said Marques for himself and his heirs Do protest That the acceptation of the Patent to be Duke of Douglas etc Nor nothing therin contained Shall in any wayes prejudge the said Marques and his forsaids of any priviledges dignities Immunities and precedencies Competent to them by their rights and infeftments In witnes wherof (3wryten by Archibald Campbell Servitor to Ronald Campbell writer to her Majesties Signet Wee have Subscryved these presents at Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of September Jaj vijc and thrie years Before these witnesses Thomas Ellies wryter to the Signet inserter of the date and witnesses and the said George Gordon and James Smart wryter in Edinburgh Sic Subscribitur M: Douglas Morton, Charles Kerr Francis Scott. Thomas Ellies witnes James Smart witnes Geoge Gordon witnes.
Ther being the above protestation given in to his Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill By Mary Marchioness of Douglas, William Marques of Lothian James Earle of Morton Lord Charles Kerr director of her Majesties Chancelary and Sir Francis Scot of Thirlestaine tutors to Archibald Marques of Douglas; Whereby they as tutors forsaid and in name of the said Marques and his heirs Protest that the acceptation of the Patent to be Duke of Douglas etc nor nothing therin mentioned shall in anywayes prejudge the said Marques and his forsaids of any dignities priviledges Immunities and precedences Competent to them by their rights and infestments And the Samen being Read in their presence His Grace and the saids Lords Doe hereby Admitt the said protestation and appoint and Ordaine the Same to be Recorded in the books of privy Councill.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 36-7.
2. The word ‘and’ scored out here.
3. Closing bracket missing.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 36-7.
2. The word ‘and’ scored out here.
3. Closing bracket missing.