Act, 26 January 1703, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1703, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twenty Sixth day of January Jaj viic and thrie years



Act Livt Young in My Lord Lorns regiment for beatting Drums etc

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill be Livetenent Archibald Young in the Lord Lorns Regiement Shewing That the petitioner being Sent over from Holland to Levie recruits for the Service of the Said Regiment It was necessary for his More Convenient gathering of recruits that the petitioner have the saids Lords warrand and Licence to the officers of My Lord Orkneyes regiment to beat up for recruits for the Service of the said regiment And therfore Humbly Craveing the Saids Lords would be pleased to grant the petitioner warrand and licence to beat drums for takeing on of volunteers in the severall burghes of this kingdome wher the petitioner Should happen to resort as the saids Lords hade formerly been in use to grant to others in maner forsaid as the petition bears; The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given in to them by Livetennent Gilbert Young in my Lord Lorns Regiment and the Samen being read; In ther2 presence The Saids Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Doe hereby Grant Licence and warrant to the petitioner to Beatt Drums for Levieing of men and takeing on of volunteers in the Severall burghs of this kingdome wher the petitioner Shall happen to resort; And allowes the petitioner to have the use of the prisones in any burgh within this kingdome for detaineing and keeping the persones so takeing on untill they shall be transported for Holland; And Grants warrand to the petitioner to Seize upon take and apprehend all deserters from the said regiment; And Ordaines all magistrates and others to give their concurrance to the petitioner for Secureing the deserters from the said Regiment and others who Shall willingly ingadge with him; The petitioner allwayes aliementing and mantaineing them upon his oun proper Charges and expences; And prohibites and Discharges any disorders or abuses to be Committed by the petitioner in Levieing or Secureing as above But allwayes keeping himself within the bounds that the Law prescribes.

Att Edinburgh the Twenty Sixth day of January Jaj viic and thrie years



Act Livt Young in My Lord Lorns regiment for beatting Drums etc

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill be Livetenent Archibald Young in the Lord Lorns Regiement Shewing That the petitioner being Sent over from Holland to Levie recruits for the Service of the Said Regiment It was necessary for his More Convenient gathering of recruits that the petitioner have the saids Lords warrand and Licence to the officers of My Lord Orkneyes regiment to beat up for recruits for the Service of the said regiment And therfore Humbly Craveing the Saids Lords would be pleased to grant the petitioner warrand and licence to beat drums for takeing on of volunteers in the severall burghes of this kingdome wher the petitioner Should happen to resort as the saids Lords hade formerly been in use to grant to others in maner forsaid as the petition bears; The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given in to them by Livetennent Gilbert Young in my Lord Lorns Regiment and the Samen being read; In ther2 presence The Saids Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Doe hereby Grant Licence and warrant to the petitioner to Beatt Drums for Levieing of men and takeing on of volunteers in the Severall burghs of this kingdome wher the petitioner Shall happen to resort; And allowes the petitioner to have the use of the prisones in any burgh within this kingdome for detaineing and keeping the persones so takeing on untill they shall be transported for Holland; And Grants warrand to the petitioner to Seize upon take and apprehend all deserters from the said regiment; And Ordaines all magistrates and others to give their concurrance to the petitioner for Secureing the deserters from the said Regiment and others who Shall willingly ingadge with him; The petitioner allwayes aliementing and mantaineing them upon his oun proper Charges and expences; And prohibites and Discharges any disorders or abuses to be Committed by the petitioner in Levieing or Secureing as above But allwayes keeping himself within the bounds that the Law prescribes.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 496-7.

2. Insertion.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 496-7.

2. Insertion.