Act, 9 March 1703, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1703, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 9th March 1703 Antemeridiem



Act Infavours off Mr Charles Lindsay

Annent The petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By Master Charles Lindsay Minister off the Gospell with consent off James Petter of Chappell undoubted patron of the paroch Kirk and parochine off Gingle kirk and the rest of the heritors off the said paroch Shewing That the said James Petter By his Gift off the date the Tuenty Nynth off December Last by past Giffted to me ane years vaccant steepend off the said paroch From Whyttsunday 1700 To Whyttsunday 1701 And that for the onerous causes mentioned in the said Gift And albeit the whole Heretors consent therunto as appears by ther Letter herewith produced Yet necessary it is The petitioner have their Lordships approbatione therof That Letters of Horning and others by their Lordships delyverance and warrand may pass upon the said Gift againest the Heritors and others Lyable in payment off the said steepand for payeing therof to the petitioner And Therfor Creaving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petitione bears The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing Considered the petitione abovementioned Given into them by the above named Mr Charles Lindsay Minister off the Gospell with Consent off James Petter off Chapell undoubted patron off the paroch Kirk and parochine off Gingle Kirk and the rest of the Heretors of the said paroch And the samen with ane Gift by the said patron and ane Letter under the hands off the Earle off Marchmont and seaverall other heretors off the said paroch Infavours of the petitioner being read The saids Lords Doe heirby Interpose their authority to the said Gift And ordaines Letters off Horning under the signet of Councill To be directed at the petitioners Instance againest the heretors, Lyferenters, woodsetters, and others payble in payment To make payment to the petitioner off one years vaccant Steepend off the said paroch From Whyttsunday 1700 To Whyttsunday 1701, Conforme to ane Decreit of Locality off the samen And in caice ther be noe Decreit of Locality with power to him to persew these lyable in payment For their respective proportiones And that Letters be directed against them under the signet off Councill upon the Forsaid Decreit And Declaires the petitioners Dischairge by himself for the said years steep end to be a sufficient exoneration to the Receavers.

Edinburgh the 9th March 1703 Antemeridiem



Act Infavours off Mr Charles Lindsay

Annent The petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By Master Charles Lindsay Minister off the Gospell with consent off James Petter of Chappell undoubted patron of the paroch Kirk and parochine off Gingle kirk and the rest of the heritors off the said paroch Shewing That the said James Petter By his Gift off the date the Tuenty Nynth off December Last by past Giffted to me ane years vaccant steepend off the said paroch From Whyttsunday 1700 To Whyttsunday 1701 And that for the onerous causes mentioned in the said Gift And albeit the whole Heretors consent therunto as appears by ther Letter herewith produced Yet necessary it is The petitioner have their Lordships approbatione therof That Letters of Horning and others by their Lordships delyverance and warrand may pass upon the said Gift againest the Heritors and others Lyable in payment off the said steepand for payeing therof to the petitioner And Therfor Creaving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petitione bears The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing Considered the petitione abovementioned Given into them by the above named Mr Charles Lindsay Minister off the Gospell with Consent off James Petter off Chapell undoubted patron off the paroch Kirk and parochine off Gingle Kirk and the rest of the Heretors of the said paroch And the samen with ane Gift by the said patron and ane Letter under the hands off the Earle off Marchmont and seaverall other heretors off the said paroch Infavours of the petitioner being read The saids Lords Doe heirby Interpose their authority to the said Gift And ordaines Letters off Horning under the signet of Councill To be directed at the petitioners Instance againest the heretors, Lyferenters, woodsetters, and others payble in payment To make payment to the petitioner off one years vaccant Steepend off the said paroch From Whyttsunday 1700 To Whyttsunday 1701, Conforme to ane Decreit of Locality off the samen And in caice ther be noe Decreit of Locality with power to him to persew these lyable in payment For their respective proportiones And that Letters be directed against them under the signet off Councill upon the Forsaid Decreit And Declaires the petitioners Dischairge by himself for the said years steep end to be a sufficient exoneration to the Receavers.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 244v-245r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 244v-245r.