Edinburgh the 31 March 1703
Act In favours off Mr George Weeymss
Annent The petition given in and presented to the Lords off Her Majesties privie Councill By Mr George Weeymess Minister off the Gospell at Fearnie in Angus Shewing That wher the Late Reverend Mr John Spalding sometyme Minister off Dundie Haveing revised and transcribed with his own hand a Collectione off excellent sermons preached by him on the sacrament off the Lords supper fitted for the whole occasiones relating therto Togither with a considerable number off speeches befoir, att, and after the Tables and some others off his works, all methodically digested and designed by him for the press in his lyfetyme and at his death appointed by him to be printed, and which since have been persued and approven by seaverall’s off the most learned and Godly Ministers and others in the natione and Judged by them to be off singular usse not only For the Ministrie But most proper to be published For the good and advantadge off all sober and pious persones And that the petitioner2 sone in Law to the said Mr Spalding and haveing his papers in his custody and at his disposeall, Hath for the publict good upon his own proper Chairges and Expensses undertaken the publishing off the Forsaid sermons and other works in a book in Quarto to be Intituled Synaxis Sacra etc Which is to be printed by Mistres Anderson Her Majesties printer in Edinburgh And Therfor creaveing to the effect afftermentioned As the said petitione Bears The Lords off Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing considered the above petitione Given into them By Mr George Weeymss Minister off the Gospell at Fearn in Angus And the samen with ane attestatione under the hands off Mr David Ramsay Mr John Glassfoord, and Mr James Robertsone Ministers off the Gospell Being read in their presence, The saids Lords Heirby grant leicence and warrant to the petitioner and his assignyes For printing a book in quarto Entituled Synaxis Sacra, or a Collection off excellent Sermons on the Sacrament off the Lords supper By the late Reverend Mr John Spalding sometyme Minister off Dundee and dischairges any other persone To print end sell or Import any off the saids books or sermons Dureing the space off Nynteen years From the day and date heirof without the petitioner or his assignyes their warrand or Commission under the pain off seazing upon and farder under the paine off Five hundereth merks scotts to be payed by the Contraveeners to the said petitioner or his Forsaids besyds the Seazure and Forfaulture forsaid.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 253r-253v.
2. The letter ‘s’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 253r-253v.
2. The letter ‘s’ scored out here.