Att Edinburgh The Seventh day of January One Thousand seven Hundred and thrie years
Litera Magistri Roderici Mackenzie de Prestonhall De officio Justiciarii Clerici in Regno Scotiae
Commission under the great seall of this kingdome In Favors of Mr Rodrick Mckenzie of Prestonhall to be Lord Justice Clerk of this kingdome being presented by Mr Thomas Pringle one of the Clerks of privy Councill was Read and ordered to be recorded; and therafter delyvered by the Earle of Buchan preses for the time to the said Mr Roderick Mckenzie who received the samen upon his knees as use is; and therafter did qualifie himself to her Majestie by swearing the Oath of alledgance and Subscrybing the Samen with the assurance, and the Earle of Buchan Lord preses for the time did tender the oath de fideli to him
Followes the Commission.
Anna Dei Gratia Magnae Brittaniae Franciae et Hiberniae Regina fideique defensor Omnibus probis hominibus suis ad quos presentes Literae Nostrae pervenerint Salutem Quando quidem nos abeunde2 satisfacti de integretati3 et eximiis animi dotibus Fidelissimi et dilectissimi Nostri Magistri Roderici Mackenzie de Prestonhall unde pro Munere loco et officio Justiciarii Nostri Clerici infra praedictum Nostrum Regnum Scotiae Fungendis usquequaque sit Idoneus Noveritis igiter4 Nos Nominasse Constituisse et Ordinasse Sicuti nos tenore presentium Nominamus Constituimus et Ordainamus5 Memoratum Magistrum Rodoricum Mackenzie Durante nostro beneplacito solummodo Nostrum Justiciarium Clericum Clericum dicti Regni Nostri Scotiae Dando Concedendo et Disponendo praefato Magistro Rodorico Mackenzie Durante Spatio antedicto dictum Munus et officium Justiciarii Clerici Cum omnibus honoribus priviledgiis feodis proficuis Immunitatibus et Casualitatibus quibus cunque eo spectantibus per eum tam plenarie et libere in quovis respectu et conditione gaudendis et possidendis; Ac quovis alii in dicto officio predecessores eodem potiti sunt aut quovis tempore retroacto potiri potuerant In Cujus Rei Testimonium presentibus Magnum Sigillum Nostrum Appendi praecipimus apud Aulum6 Nostram de St James’s Trigesimo primo die Mensis Decembris ; Anno Domini Millesimo septingentessimo secundo et Anno regni Nostri primo Per Signaturam Manu S: D: N: Reginae supra scriptam; Wryten on the back thus; Wryten to the great seall and Registrat the sixth day of January 1703. Sic subscribitur Charles Kerr. Sealled at Edinburgh the Sixth day of January Jaj viic and thrie years By Speciall Order till the Seall be renewed Sic Subscribitur Alexander Ogilvie.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 487-8.
2. Sic.
3. Sic.
4. Sic.
5. Sic.
6. Sic.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 487-8.
2. Sic.
3. Sic.
4. Sic.
5. Sic.
6. Sic.