Edinburgh the Twenty fifth day of November One thousand seven hundred and thrie years
Procedure: committee formed
Committie anent Mr Patrick Ogilvie his petition
The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Doe hereby Nominat and appoint the Earles of Northesk and Glasgow The Lords president of Session, Arbutchill and Phesdoe to be a Committie to Consider the paragraph of Mr Patrick Ogilvies bill Which relates to ane additionall detatchment of the forces for better secureing the Coasts from Importation of Irish victuall and putting the Commission In favors of the said Mr Patrick to farder execution; And Likewayes to consider what may be the most effectuall method for hindering the Importation of victuall from England to Scotland; And Recommends to the said Committie to meet the morrow morning at ten of the Cloak in the forenoon And Declares any two a quorum And to report to the Councill the nixt Councill day.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 86.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 86.