Act, 20 September 1703, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1703, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 20th September 1703



Act Infavours off William Baird of Auchmedden

Annent The petition given in and presented To His Grace Her Majesties High Commissioner And the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By William Baird of Auchmedden Shewing That wher the Bay off Auchmedden Is one of the largest and most convenient Bay’s upon the north Coast Wher Ships Doe frequently cast their Annkers and ride with saifty And ther is lykewayes withine the same a most convenient harbour upon the petitioners Ground Called the harbour of Pennan Wher the ships and Barks that Trade That way Doe and may open their being surprized by storme or other wayes Have shelter from any stress or danger Ther is lyke wayes ane Minestone quarrie belonging to the petitioner Just beside from which the greatest pairt of the milnes in the Kingdome are served by sea And the said Harbour may be off Excellent use to the whole Kingdome and particularly the northern pairts therof ther being noe harbour near to it The petitioner Hes already Imployed as much as is Convenient for him as a privat man to doe for forwarding this publict good work and cannot possibly bring it to its desired period as their Lordships might easily conceave unless he meet with suteable encuragment therin And seeing His Grace and Lordships have upon all occasiones been ready to help vertuous undertakers Especially when advances are made by privat pairtes themselves and wher the work is of Generall concerne And Thairfor Creaving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears His Grace Her Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing Considered the within petition given into them By William Baird of Auchmedden And the samen Being read in their presence His Grace and the saids Lords Doe heirby Grant to the petitioner ane volentar Contribution to be Collected within all the paroch Churches off this Kingdome upon such dayes as the petitioner shall appoint after Intimation at the paroch Churches The Sabbath day befoir collecting therof either at the Church doors of the respective paroches or in such other manner off way as shall be concerted and aggreed up by the petitioner And that for building ane Harbour at Pennan And ordaines the said Collection To be payed into John Corser wryter in Edinburgh He allwayes befor Extracting heirof Giveing Bond and finding Sufficient Cautione acted in the books off privie Councell That the Contribution so to be Collected shall be applyed for the end forsaid And that at the sight and by the Direction allwayes off the petitioner The sherriff principall of the sherriffdome off Aberdein or his Deputs.

Edinburgh the 20th September 1703



Act Infavours off William Baird of Auchmedden

Annent The petition given in and presented To His Grace Her Majesties High Commissioner And the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By William Baird of Auchmedden Shewing That wher the Bay off Auchmedden Is one of the largest and most convenient Bay’s upon the north Coast Wher Ships Doe frequently cast their Annkers and ride with saifty And ther is lykewayes withine the same a most convenient harbour upon the petitioners Ground Called the harbour of Pennan Wher the ships and Barks that Trade That way Doe and may open their being surprized by storme or other wayes Have shelter from any stress or danger Ther is lyke wayes ane Minestone quarrie belonging to the petitioner Just beside from which the greatest pairt of the milnes in the Kingdome are served by sea And the said Harbour may be off Excellent use to the whole Kingdome and particularly the northern pairts therof ther being noe harbour near to it The petitioner Hes already Imployed as much as is Convenient for him as a privat man to doe for forwarding this publict good work and cannot possibly bring it to its desired period as their Lordships might easily conceave unless he meet with suteable encuragment therin And seeing His Grace and Lordships have upon all occasiones been ready to help vertuous undertakers Especially when advances are made by privat pairtes themselves and wher the work is of Generall concerne And Thairfor Creaving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears His Grace Her Majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing Considered the within petition given into them By William Baird of Auchmedden And the samen Being read in their presence His Grace and the saids Lords Doe heirby Grant to the petitioner ane volentar Contribution to be Collected within all the paroch Churches off this Kingdome upon such dayes as the petitioner shall appoint after Intimation at the paroch Churches The Sabbath day befoir collecting therof either at the Church doors of the respective paroches or in such other manner off way as shall be concerted and aggreed up by the petitioner And that for building ane Harbour at Pennan And ordaines the said Collection To be payed into John Corser wryter in Edinburgh He allwayes befor Extracting heirof Giveing Bond and finding Sufficient Cautione acted in the books off privie Councell That the Contribution so to be Collected shall be applyed for the end forsaid And that at the sight and by the Direction allwayes off the petitioner The sherriff principall of the sherriffdome off Aberdein or his Deputs.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 263r-264r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 263r-264r.