Att Edinburgh the Nynth day of December Jaj vijc and thrie years
Letter: royal
Letter from the Queen for adjourning the parliament to the 22d February next
Letter from the Queen to the Councill for adjourning the parliament Read and ordered to be Recorded wherof the tenor followes,
Sic Supra Scribitur Anne Regina,
Right Trustie and Right well beloved Cousin and Councillor Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and well beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trustie and well beloved Councillors, And trustie and well beloved Councillors Wee greet yow well, Wheras the Circumstances of our affairs doe Requyre a further delay of the Meetting of our Parliament of that our ancient Kingdome than to the Sixteinth day of this instant December to which it wer Last adjourned, That the members may not be put to unnecessary attendance; It is Our Will and Pleasure and Wee do hereby Authorize and Requyre yow to Issue furth a proclamation in our name adjourning our Current parliament from the said Sixteinth day of December instant to the twenty second day of February nixt therafter, And Ordering all the Members to attend that day at the usuall place and upon the accustomed Certificationes, For doeing Wherof, This shall be to yow a sufficient Warrant And So Wee bid yow heartily farewell, Given at our Court at St James’s the Fourth day of December 1703 and of our Reign the second year. By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Cromerty.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 87.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 87.