Order, 12 June 1703, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1703, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twelth day of June One Thousand Seven Hundred and thrie years Called Extraordinary



Recommendation to the thesaurie for outtrigging her majesties two Ships of Warr for preserving Trade etc

His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Having Considered the many informationes given in to them of the damnadges Sustained by the Merchants in this Kingdome in their trade both on the East and western Coasts. By French Privateers Find it necessary that her Majesties two Shipps of Warr Called the Mary and Dunbartoun Castle be Outreiked and Imployed for her Majesties Service in Secureing the trade of this kingdome and Coasts therof from the insults of French privateers and any damnadges that the Merchants and trade of this kingdome may Sustaine by them; And Therfore Recommends to the Lords of her Majesties thesaury to take effectuall Course for outtrigging of the saids two Ships of Warr, And to order and give warrand for payment of Such Soumes of money as shall be necessary for the effect and Service abovementioned And for mantaineing the saids two Shipps of Warr at Sea with the men and officers aboard the same for the space of four moneths after the first day of July nixt to come, And Recommends to Livetenant Generall George Ramsay Commander in chief of her Majesties forces within this kingdom to order such ane number of the saids forces to march and be Shipped aboard the saids two men of Warr with officers to Command them as the Lords of her Majesties thesaury Shall appoint

Att Edinburgh the Twelth day of June One Thousand Seven Hundred and thrie years Called Extraordinary



Recommendation to the thesaurie for outtrigging her majesties two Ships of Warr for preserving Trade etc

His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Having Considered the many informationes given in to them of the damnadges Sustained by the Merchants in this Kingdome in their trade both on the East and western Coasts. By French Privateers Find it necessary that her Majesties two Shipps of Warr Called the Mary and Dunbartoun Castle be Outreiked and Imployed for her Majesties Service in Secureing the trade of this kingdome and Coasts therof from the insults of French privateers and any damnadges that the Merchants and trade of this kingdome may Sustaine by them; And Therfore Recommends to the Lords of her Majesties thesaury to take effectuall Course for outtrigging of the saids two Ships of Warr, And to order and give warrand for payment of Such Soumes of money as shall be necessary for the effect and Service abovementioned And for mantaineing the saids two Shipps of Warr at Sea with the men and officers aboard the same for the space of four moneths after the first day of July nixt to come, And Recommends to Livetenant Generall George Ramsay Commander in chief of her Majesties forces within this kingdom to order such ane number of the saids forces to march and be Shipped aboard the saids two men of Warr with officers to Command them as the Lords of her Majesties thesaury Shall appoint

1. NRS, PC1/53, 1-2.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 1-2.