Commission by the Council, 16 July 1703, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1703, Edinburgh

Att the Abbay of Holyruidhouse the Sixteinth day of July Jaj vijc and thrie years Called Extraordinary


Commission by the Council

Commission In Favors of Captain Thomas Gordon to be Commander of her Majesties Ship the Royall Mary

Commission to Captain Thomas Gordon to be Captain and Commander of her Majesties Shipp the Royall Marry Read voted and approven wherof the tenor followes.
Anne By the Grace of Gord Queen of Scotland England France and Ireland defender of the faith with advice and Consent of the Lords of our privy Councill Doe hereby Constitute and appoint yow Captain Thomas Gordon Captain and Commander of her Majesties Shipp the Royall Mary Willing and requyreing yow furthwith to goe on board of the said Shipp and take upon yow the Charge and Command of Captain in her accordingly. Strictly Charging and Commanding all the officers Seamen and Souldiers belonging to the said Shipp to behave themselves joyntly and severally in their respective Stationes and Imployments with all due respect and obedience into yow their said Captain and yow Likewayes to observe and execute alse weell the instructiones herewith to yow delyvered by our privy Councill and attested by their Clerk as what farder orders and directiones yow shall from time to time receive from us or them or any other Superior officers for our Service; And wee being now ingadged in Warr with the French King and King of Spain and their adherents We hereby give yow farder power and Commission not only to defend against Butt attacque these our enemies and with all your force to Subdue and Seize them and their Shipps and goods to be declared Lawfull prize wherin yow nor non of yow are to faill as yow will answer the Contrary at yowr perrill, And for so doeing these presents (being Recorded in the books of our privy Councill acted to continue till recalled) shall be your Sufficient warrant. Given by warrant and under the Signet of our privy Councill att our pallace of Holyruidhouse the Sixtein day of July Jaj vijc and thrie years Sic Subscribitur Queensberry Commissioner Seafeild Cancellar Annandale P, Atholl pS: Argyll, Crafurd, Mar, Morton, Leven, Boyle.

Att the Abbay of Holyruidhouse the Sixteinth day of July Jaj vijc and thrie years Called Extraordinary


Commission by the Council

Commission In Favors of Captain Thomas Gordon to be Commander of her Majesties Ship the Royall Mary

Commission to Captain Thomas Gordon to be Captain and Commander of her Majesties Shipp the Royall Marry Read voted and approven wherof the tenor followes.
Anne By the Grace of Gord Queen of Scotland England France and Ireland defender of the faith with advice and Consent of the Lords of our privy Councill Doe hereby Constitute and appoint yow Captain Thomas Gordon Captain and Commander of her Majesties Shipp the Royall Mary Willing and requyreing yow furthwith to goe on board of the said Shipp and take upon yow the Charge and Command of Captain in her accordingly. Strictly Charging and Commanding all the officers Seamen and Souldiers belonging to the said Shipp to behave themselves joyntly and severally in their respective Stationes and Imployments with all due respect and obedience into yow their said Captain and yow Likewayes to observe and execute alse weell the instructiones herewith to yow delyvered by our privy Councill and attested by their Clerk as what farder orders and directiones yow shall from time to time receive from us or them or any other Superior officers for our Service; And wee being now ingadged in Warr with the French King and King of Spain and their adherents We hereby give yow farder power and Commission not only to defend against Butt attacque these our enemies and with all your force to Subdue and Seize them and their Shipps and goods to be declared Lawfull prize wherin yow nor non of yow are to faill as yow will answer the Contrary at yowr perrill, And for so doeing these presents (being Recorded in the books of our privy Councill acted to continue till recalled) shall be your Sufficient warrant. Given by warrant and under the Signet of our privy Councill att our pallace of Holyruidhouse the Sixtein day of July Jaj vijc and thrie years Sic Subscribitur Queensberry Commissioner Seafeild Cancellar Annandale P, Atholl pS: Argyll, Crafurd, Mar, Morton, Leven, Boyle.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 12-13.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 12-13.