Att Edinburgh the Threttie one day of March Jaj viic and thrie years
Warrant anent Levieing of Seamen
The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill haveing heard a Representation made to them by the Lord high Chancelor That the Captains of two of her Majesties men of Warr Lying in the Road of Leith had desired his Lordship to move to the Councill board, That the Same incourragment might be granted to them for engaging Seamen volunteirs to serve aboard her Majesties fleett; which is granted to the Land officers for makeing up recruites to the forces under her Majesties pay in Flanders and that the Magistrats of all the Seatounes betwixt the Toune of Stirling And the burgh of Aberdeen inclussive upon the rive of Clyde Comprehending Glasgow and Air and from Eymouth to Leith might be advertised to make publict intimation by beatting of Drums or otherwayes within their respective burghs; That all Such able Seamen who by their oun free consent given before a Magistrat Conforme to the Lawes and acts of parliament are willing to serve aboard her Majesties Fleet doe repair to the Toun of Leith betwixt and the […] day of May nixt to come; And ther offer themselves to the saids Captains for the said Service who therupon before Carieing them aboard shall at the Sight of the Magistrats of Leith pay and delyver to each of the said Seamen; The Soume of Fourtie Shilling Sterling before they shall be allowed to Ship or Caried aboard any of the said seamen The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Considering That it may be for the advancement of her Majesties Service and for the intrest and security of this Kingdome alse well as of her Majesties other dominions Ordaines the Magistrates of the respective burghes and Seatounes within the bounds forsaid or any other persones haveing Warrand from the saids Captains of the saids two men of Warr To beat Drums within the respective bounds of the saids burghs and Seatounes for intimating to all able Seamen who by their oun free Consent given before a Magistrat are willing to Serve aboard her Majesties fleett That they repair to Leith betwixt the said […] day of May nixt to come; And ther offer themselves to the saids Captaines of the Men of Warr or any of them upon their paying to each of the said Samen Fourty Shilling Sterling money of England of free bounty and Levie money before their giveing aboard of any of the Saids men of Warr And Ordaines all Magistrates and others within the burghs and Sea-tounes forsaid To give their Concurrence to the Saids Captaines of the Men of Warr and others Imployed by them for secureing the persones of any such seamen who shall willingly engage with and be payed by them in maner forsaid upon the saids Captines their oun proper charges and expences and prohibits and Discharges any disorders or abusses to be Committed by the saids Captaines and other persones to be Imployed by them in takeing on and Secureing of the saids seamen as above; But allwayes to keep themselves within the bounds the Law prescrybes. Sic subscribitur Seafeild Cancellar Tullibardine; Buchan Loudoune Finlator Forfar, Stair, Boyle, Hew Dalrymple C Campbell F Montgomrie Crafurd of Kilbirney.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 546-7.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 546-7.