Att Edinburgh the Threttie day of March Jaj viic and Thrie years
Letter: Royal
Letter from the Queen To The Councill anent her Majesties granting ane indemnity; And for adjourning the parliament
Letter from the Queen to the Councill Shewing her Majestie hade granted a gracious and generall indemnitie and for adjourning the parliament Read and ordered to be Recorded wherof the tenor followes.
Sic Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Right trustie and right well beloved Cousin and Councellor Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and Right well beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and well beloved Councillors and trustie and well beloved Councillors; Wee greet yow well. The great affection wee have for our people and our gracious inclynation and resolution of reclameing those who have transgressed or failled in their dutie and alledgance to us rather by favors and obligationes then by punishments and Severities; and the satisfactione Wee propose to our Self and our Subjects by their Liveing in due obedience to us and in Christian Love and kyndnes with one another being also desireous to remove any uneasieness which may arise to themselves either from a Conviction of their oun guilt or for efar of the execution of the Lawes of that our ancient Kingdome; Wee have here with transmitted to yow a full and ample act of Grace pardon and indemnitie for all their bygone Crimes Such only excepted as ought at no time to be adventured upon much Less to be encouraged by hopes of pardon, and wherof wee hope few of our Subjects are guilty Which act of our Royall Grace and goodnes wee will and Requyre yow furth with to publish in the accustomed and most Solemne manner to the end that all may know our Royall intentione And that these who reap the benefit of it may be the more engaged therby to Live in time comeing in their duty to us, and in Amitty with their fellow Subjects […] And Seing wee find that our Parliament of that our ancient kingdome cannot Conveniently meett upon the Sixt day of Aprile nixt to which it was adjourned; and that a furder adjournment for a Short time is necessary for our affairs Therfore It is our will and pleasure And wee doe hereby authorize and requyre yow to Issue furth a proclamation in our name adjourning our parliament from the said Sixth day of Aprill to the Sixth day of May nixt therafter And ordering all the Members to attend that day at Edinburgh in the usuall manner and upon the accustumed Certifications And yow are to intimat to all our good Subjects That wee are firmely Resolved our parliament Shall meett on the Sixth day of May nixt without furder delay for the good ends for which wee have called it For doeing all which this Shall be your warrant; And So wee bid yow heartily farewell; Given at our Court at St James’s, the 16th day of March 172/32 and of our Reigne the Second year. By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Queensberry.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 536-7.
2. Sic.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 536-7.
2. Sic.