Att the Abbay of Holyruidhouse the Seventh day of August Jaj vijc and thrie years
Committee anent Major Generall Buchan
His Grace her Majesties high Commissioner Haveing represented to the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill That Major Generall Thomas Buchan who is Lately come from France and Surrendered himself to his Grace, Wherupon his Grace had taken the said Major Generalls engadgment upon his word of honour to remain in his Lodging till the Councills farder orders His Grace and Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Doe hereby Nominat the Lord president of privy Councill, Lord privy Seall, Lord Secretary Tarbat, Lords thesaurer depute, present of Session Register, Advocat and Justice Clerk as a Committie to Consider the Capitulation betwixt the said Major Generall and the Government and upon what conditiones he was sent abroad and to Call for and examine him anent his returning from France and to enquyre what other persones are lately returned from thence who were their before and at the time of the indemnity And Recommends to the said Committie to meett at the Abbay of Holyruidhouse on Munday morning at Nyne of the Cloak And to report to the Councill the next Councill day, And Declaires any thrie a Sufficient qworum, and appoints the macers of Councill to make intimation to the said Major Generall Thomas Buchan That he attend the said Committee of Councill upon the day and at the time above mentioned and in the meantime that he is under his parroll of honour to keep his confinement to his oun Chamber untill the day and hour forsaids.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 20-1.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 20-1.