Att the Abbay of Holyruidhouse the Sixteinth day of July Jaj vijc and thrie years Called Extraordinary
Instructions for Captain Thomas Gordon
Followes the Instructiones for the said Captain for the better executeing of his Commission.
By her Majesties high Commissioner and the remanent Lords and others of her Majesties privy Councill, The instructiones following are given to Captain Thomas Gordon Commander of her Majesties Shipp called the Royall Mary In prosecution and for better executeing of his Commission and to be by him punctualy observed upon his perrill.
Yow are Immediately to sail takeing her Majesties ship the Dumbartoune Castle in Company with yow; The Length of the Isles of Orkney wher yow are to let him part for the Station appointed to him.
Yow are to take under your Convoy all Vessells bound to the Northward and carefully see such of them safe into their respective harbours so farr as Orkney, Then yow are to returne and Call along the Coast for all vessells bound for the Firth and take all who are ready from place to place under your Convoy.
If no vessells be ready to come out of harbours when yow call Yow are to cruize ten dayes betuixt the Staples and the Islands of Zetland wher your Station is appointed to be and call again for what shipps are to come to the Firth and take them under your Convoy as above.
Yow are carefully from time to time to advice us of all that occurres dureing your Cruize.
Yow are to defend your self and all Shipps under your Convoy against all her Majesties enemies Whither French or Spaniards and all others with whom her Majestie is at present Engadged in Warr, who will presume to attack yow to the outmost of your power and to endeavour by all your Force to Subdue them and make and bring them in as prize to be declared such.
Yow are also as yow find occasion and your self in condition to attack and Lett upon all her Majesties said Enemies and endeavor by all your force to Subdue them and Seise their Ships and goods.
Yow are also to search all Shipps goeing to or comeing from France or Spain or any of the dominions belonging to the said Kingdoms and if yow find them carieing Counterband-goods to any enemies Countrey to seize them their Shipps and haill goods and bring them in as prize.
Yow are to observe the time of your Cruizeing and all other articles contained in your contract with the Lords of her Majesties thesaury. Given at Holyruidhouse the sixtein day of July Jaj vijc and thrie years.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 13-14.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 13-14.