Att Edinburgh the Second day of February One Thousand Seven hundred and thrie years
Warrant to the Magistrats of Edinburgh for observing and keeping the Queens Birthday
The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Considering That Saturnday nixt being the Sixth instant is the Birth day of her Majestie Queen Anne; And that the Samen Ought to be Solemnized by Illuminationes and other expressiones of publict Joy in the usuall Maner heretofoir observed; and for that effect it is Necessary; The Magistrates of Edinburgh be authorized for makeing Intimation therof within their said burgh; Therfore the saids Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Doe hereby allow and requyre the Magistrats of Edinburgh To Cause intimation be made after their usuall maner to all the Nighbours and inhabitants of the said burgh; That they may put furth Illuminationes upon the said day at the ordinary time and in maner hereto fore observed and that the said day be Solemnized with Illuminations Ringing of Bells and other expressiones of publict Joy, And Recomends to the provest of Edinburgh That he cause the Musick bells Ring from ten of the Cloak in the forenoon untill four of the Cloak in the afternoon that the great bells begin to ring; And appoints the said Solemnity to be and begine at the marcat Cross of Edinburgh by twelue of the Cloak the said day.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 498-9.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 498-9.