Letter, 8 March 1703, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1703, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Eight day of March Jaj viic and thrie years, Called Extraordinar



Letter The Lord Chancelor To The provest of Glasgow in answer to his dated the 1st Instant

Followes another Letter wryten by My Lord Chancelor to the provest of Glasgow
dated Thus Edinburgh March 4th 1703.
I Received your Letter and Comunicat the Contents of it to Some of the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill; Wee are all very will Satisfied with the Conduct of the Magistrats in preventing any Tumult or Rable, that some might have designed to have interupted ane Episcopall Minister preaching in Sir John Bells house It is expected that the Magistrates will on the Like occasiones prevent and Suppress all disorders; For a mobb and rable can never be Justified; whither the Episcopall Minister that preaches be qualified or not; The Magistrates will Certainly be blamed if any Such Tumult happen; yow know that the Lawes against Rables and Convocationes within burghs are very Severe; On the other hand wee doe think that non should be Imployed to preach but such as are qualified; If they do the proper and only remeedy Is to acquaint the Queens advocat and effectuall care will be taken by him to prevent it. I again Recommend to yow and the Magistrats the preserveing the peace and queit of the Toune and in this yow Shall have all the protection and Concurrance of the Government, But if Tumults and disorders happen wee must punish them severly I hope to see yow in toune Seing the assembly meetts On Wednesday I am. Sir your most humble Servant Sic Subscribitur Seafeild

Att Edinburgh The Eight day of March Jaj viic and thrie years, Called Extraordinar



Letter The Lord Chancelor To The provest of Glasgow in answer to his dated the 1st Instant

Followes another Letter wryten by My Lord Chancelor to the provest of Glasgow
dated Thus Edinburgh March 4th 1703.
I Received your Letter and Comunicat the Contents of it to Some of the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill; Wee are all very will Satisfied with the Conduct of the Magistrats in preventing any Tumult or Rable, that some might have designed to have interupted ane Episcopall Minister preaching in Sir John Bells house It is expected that the Magistrates will on the Like occasiones prevent and Suppress all disorders; For a mobb and rable can never be Justified; whither the Episcopall Minister that preaches be qualified or not; The Magistrates will Certainly be blamed if any Such Tumult happen; yow know that the Lawes against Rables and Convocationes within burghs are very Severe; On the other hand wee doe think that non should be Imployed to preach but such as are qualified; If they do the proper and only remeedy Is to acquaint the Queens advocat and effectuall care will be taken by him to prevent it. I again Recommend to yow and the Magistrats the preserveing the peace and queit of the Toune and in this yow Shall have all the protection and Concurrance of the Government, But if Tumults and disorders happen wee must punish them severly I hope to see yow in toune Seing the assembly meetts On Wednesday I am. Sir your most humble Servant Sic Subscribitur Seafeild

1. NRS, PC1/52, 527.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 527.