Act, 9 March 1703, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1703, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 9th March 1703 Antemeridiem



Act Infavours off Mary Wedderburn

Annent The petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By Mary Wedderburn Laufull Daughter to the Deceast Alexander Wedderburn Minister at Killmarnock Shewing That the petitioner Haveing been at great paines in Collecting seaverall Manuscripts off Her Deceast father upon the Transfiguration off Christ upon the Mount And hes got the same revised by seaverall Ministers who was acquaint with his method off preaching As the preface wrot by Mr George Hamiltoun, and the testificat by Mr Heugh Craig herewith produced Doeth shew, and hes caused put the same to the press in ane Compleit peice off Tuenty Three sermon’s And in regaird others may reprint the same either at home or abroad imported and therby prejudge the petitioner And Therfore creaving to the effect afftermentioned as the said petition bears The Lords off Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given into them by the withine Mary Wedderburn Laufull Daughter to the Deceast Mr Alexander Wedderburn Minister at Killmarnock And the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords Doe heirby Grant licence and warrand to the petitioner and her assigneyes For printing seaverall sermons off her said Fathers upon the Transfiguration off Christ upon the Mount And Discharges any other person To print vend sell or import into this Kingdom any of the said sermons Dureing the space of Nyneteen years From the day and date heirof with the petitioner Or her assignyes this warrant or Commission under the pain off seasing upon and forfaulting therof For the use off the petitioner and her assignyes And Furder under the paine off Five hundereth merks to be payed by the Contraveeners to the petitioner and her forsaids besyde the seazure and Forfaulture Forsaid.

Edinburgh the 9th March 1703 Antemeridiem



Act Infavours off Mary Wedderburn

Annent The petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By Mary Wedderburn Laufull Daughter to the Deceast Alexander Wedderburn Minister at Killmarnock Shewing That the petitioner Haveing been at great paines in Collecting seaverall Manuscripts off Her Deceast father upon the Transfiguration off Christ upon the Mount And hes got the same revised by seaverall Ministers who was acquaint with his method off preaching As the preface wrot by Mr George Hamiltoun, and the testificat by Mr Heugh Craig herewith produced Doeth shew, and hes caused put the same to the press in ane Compleit peice off Tuenty Three sermon’s And in regaird others may reprint the same either at home or abroad imported and therby prejudge the petitioner And Therfore creaving to the effect afftermentioned as the said petition bears The Lords off Her Majesties privie Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given into them by the withine Mary Wedderburn Laufull Daughter to the Deceast Mr Alexander Wedderburn Minister at Killmarnock And the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords Doe heirby Grant licence and warrand to the petitioner and her assigneyes For printing seaverall sermons off her said Fathers upon the Transfiguration off Christ upon the Mount And Discharges any other person To print vend sell or import into this Kingdom any of the said sermons Dureing the space of Nyneteen years From the day and date heirof with the petitioner Or her assignyes this warrant or Commission under the pain off seasing upon and forfaulting therof For the use off the petitioner and her assignyes And Furder under the paine off Five hundereth merks to be payed by the Contraveeners to the petitioner and her forsaids besyde the seazure and Forfaulture Forsaid.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 247r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 247r.