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Editorial Introduction
Historical Introduction
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Letter, 22 April 1703, Edinburgh
7 January 1703
Procedure: [Buchan elected Preses]
Procedure: Litera Magistri Roderici Mackenzie de Prestonhall De officio Justiciarii Clerici in Regno Scotiae
14 January 1703
Procedure: [Eglinton elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Councill anent the Earl of Orkneys recruits
Procedure: Litera Davidis Domini Boyle De officio Thesaurarii deputati
Procedure: Litera Gulielmi Comitii de March de officio Gubernatoris Arcis Edinburghenis
19 January 1703
Procedure: [Eglinton elected Preses]
Warrant: Warrant for the Earl of Orknayes officers to Levie men and Beatt Drums
Warrant: Warrant for Transporting Samuell Hanna to Holland
21 January 1703
Procedure: [Eglinton elected Preses]
Procedure: Earl of March aded to the privy Councill
26 January 1703
Procedure: [Findlator elected Preses]
Procedure: The Earl of Tillibardin added to the privy Councill
Act: Act Livt Young in My Lord Lorns regiment for beatting Drums etc
Warrant: Warrant for James Clerk to ingrave the privy Seall
Procedure: Recommendation to the Advocat to wryt to the Secretaries anent the Reverse of the great and quarter Sealls and mottos therof
2 February 1703
Procedure: [Lauderdale elected Preses]
Procedure: Commission To Sir Alexander Ogilvie of Forglan to be one of the Generall receivers
Procedure: Commission to Sir James Elphingston to be the other Generall receiver
Warrant: Warrant to the Magistrats of Edinburgh for observing and keeping the Queens Birthday
Order: Recommendation to the Governor of the Castle of Edinburgh to fyre Guns and to the Lords of Session to adjourn themselves upon her Majesties Birth day
16 February 1703
Procedure: [Loudoun elected Preses]
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Councill anent The Generall Assembly
Procedure: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat To Call for Archibald Hislope and enquyre at him why troubles people anent the polemoney
17 February 1703
Procedure: [Loudoun elected Preses]
Proclamation: [Proclamation for a General Assembly]
Warrant: Warrant for removeing Captain Grants Company from Stratherick to ther respective posts
18 February 1703
Procedure: [Eglington elected Preses]
Warrant: Warrand for apprehending and citeing Hary Grazer herauld before the Councill
Procedure: Commission In Favors of Sir Robert Forbes To be one of the two Clerks of privy Councill
Procedure: Commission In Favors of Sir Robert Forbes To be one of the two Clerks of privy Councill
24 February 1703
Commission to the Council: Commissio Dominorum Secreti Concilii
Letter: Letter from the Queen to the Councill; Anent Civil Ecclesiasticak and Military affairs
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen to the Councill anent Recruiting 6 Scots Regiments in Holland
Warrant: Warrant to the officers of 6 Regiments in Holland for beatting Drums and Levieing men for recruiting the saids Regiments
Act: Act for passing Lord Charles Kerrs Commission to be director of the Chancelary Per Saltum
Act: Act for passing Sir Gilbert Eliots Commission to be one of the Clerks of privy Councill per Saltum
2 March 1703
Procedure: Cavers qualified as a privy Councillor
Procedure: Commission In Favors of Sir Gilbert Eliot to be one of the Clerks of privy Councill
Procedure: Litere domini Caroli Kerr de officio Solus et unici Cancellariae Scotus directoris
Warrant: Warrant for takeing James Dalgleish Oath
8 March 1703
Procedure: Representation anent the Rable at Glasgow
Letter: Letter by the Lord Chancelor To The Duke of Queensbery Secretary anent a Tumult at Glasgow
Letter: Letter from the Chancelor To The Viscount of Tarbat Secretary of State anent a Tumult at Glasgow
Letter: Letter from the Chancelor To The provest of Glasgow anent a Mobb ther
Letter: Letter from the provest of Glasgow anent the mobb ther the 30 January last
Letter: Letter from the Magistrats of Glasgow To The Chancelor anent a mobb at Glasgow the 7 March
Letter: Letter Lord Kilmars To The Lord Chancelor anent a Tumult at Glasgow
Procedure: Recommendation to the Chancelor to give necessary order for to Midlothians Regiment
Procedure: Recommendation to My Lord Advocat to wryt to Sir John Bell and others
Procedure: Recommendation to the Chancelor to give necessary orders for Suppressing the Mobb at Glasgow
Letter: Letter The Lord Chancelor To The provest of Glasgow in answer to his dated the 1st Instant
9 March 1703
Procedure: The Viscount of Rossbery; and Caringtoun and Hoptoun qualified as Councillors
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen To The Councill for admitting The Lord Haddo privy Councilor
Warrant: Warrant for Interring the Corps of the Earl of Southerland in the Abbay Church
Order: The privy Seall being ingraven; ordered that the old Seall be defaced
Procedure: Committie anent publict Occurrances dureing the ensueing vaccance
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent pressed men and Souldiers
9 March 1703 (pm)
Procedure: Commission In Favors of Sir John McKenzie of Assint to be Shirreff principall of Ross
Act: Act for Passing The Earle of Lauderdales Commission as Generall of the Mint per Saltum
Commission by the Council: Commission In favors of Crafurd of Jordanhill anent the Importation of Irish victuall
Order: Recommendation to the Thesaurie In favors of Crafurd of Jordanhill
30 March 1703
Procedure: The Earl of Tillibardine Viscount of Stair Lords Polwarth and Boyle, Shirif of Bute and Kilbirnie Did qualifie themselves as Councellors
Letter: Royal: Letter from the Queen To The Councill anent her Majesties granting ane indemnity; And for adjourning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamation of Indemnity
Order: Order for publishing her Majesties Gracious Indemnity
Order: Proclamatione Adjourning the Parliament
Procedure: Commission In favors of Major Genall George Ramsay To be Livt Generall of the Forces
31 March 1703
Act: Act In favours of Lawrance Crawfoord of Jordanhill for stoping the Importatione of Irish Horses and Catle and seiseing them when Imported
Act: Act The Earle of Dalhoussie
Procedure: Recommendation to the Lord Chancelor to wryt to the Secretaries anent Convoys and Cruizers
Procedure: Recommendation to the Comitty anent pressed men to take Notice that no abuses be Comitted by the Capts of the English men of warr in Levieing Seamen
Order: Recommendation to the Thesaury to see the Forces Compleat
Warrant: Warrant anent Levieing of Seamen
1 April 1703
Warrant: Warrant for printing the act of Councill anent Levieing of Seamen
Procedure: Recommendation to the Chancelor anent Jesuits and Preists etc
Procedure: Recommendation to Livt Genall Ramsay anent Secureing of preists
22 April 1703
Procedure: Viscount of Tarbat qualified as a privy Councillor
Warrant: Warand for appending the great and privy Sealls to the Lord Chancelors exoneration
Letter: Letter from the Queen To The Councill anent ane adress made by the heritors and Inhabitants of the paroch of Hadingtoun
Act: Act and Interloquitor In Favors of the Presbytrie of Haddingtoune
Procedure: committee formed: Committy for Considering the Queens letter anent the Inhabitants of the paroch of Haddingtoune.
Procedure: Recommendation to the Advocat to raise a lybell against Mr James Gullon Minister
Procedure: committee formed: Committy to Inspect the Records of Councill Anent the forme of Rydeing The parliament
29 April 1703
Procedure: [Errol and Morton qualified as privy councillors]
Procedure: Commission In Favors of James Duke of Queensberry to represent her Majesties royall person in the ensueing parliament
Order: Order to the Magistrats of Edinburgh and Cannogate anent the ryding of the parliament
Order: Recommendation to Livt Genall Ramsay anent the ryding of the parliament
Procedure: committee formed: Committee for determineing of debates anent the ryding of the parliament
1 May 1703
Procedure: The Marques of Annandale and Lord Inverury qualifie themselves
Order: Order to the magistrats of Edinburgh to Ring the bells
3 May 1703
Procedure: Lord Forbes qualified
Act: Act The Marques of Douglas
Order: Ordors for Ryding the Parliament
5 May 1703
Procedure: Duke of Argyle, Earls of Crafurd, Marr and Hyndfoord qualifie themselves
Act: Act Sir James Stewart her Majesties advocat
Order: Order discharging the Casting of Sqwibs the 6 May
Warrant: [Swords forbidden]
Warrant: Warrant to the Magistrats of Edinburgh for takeing doun the partition wall in the parliament house
Warrant: Warrand to the Register and Lyon for placeing the Knight Barrons before the Barrons
12 June 1703
Procedure: The Earles of Kintor and Galloway Lord Rae and Master of Tarbat qualifie them selves; as also the Master of Tarbat swears and signes the formula apointed by act of Parliament
Order: Recommendation to the thesaurie for outtrigging her majesties two Ships of Warr for preserving Trade etc
Act: Act Mcdonald of Keppoch
21 June 1703
Procedure: Earl of Leven qualifie himself
Warrant: Warrant to the two Captains of the Scots Friggots to Levie Seamen
23 June 1703
Warrant: Warrant for interring Corps of Mr William Hamilton in the Abbay Church
3 July 1703
Procedure: Committee for preparing Instructiones to the two Captains of her Majesties Friggotts the Royall Mary and Dumbartoune Castle
Order: Recommendation to her Majesties Advocat to Give his opinion as to persones that have been in France since her Majesties Indemnity
Act: Act Declairing Captain Patrick Graham Captains John James Murrayes to fall under the Indemnity
Order: Recomendation to the Lord Chancelor anent Robert Gordon factor
Act: Act Declareing some Seamen to belong to Captain Gordon
13 July 1703
Letter: royal: Letter from the Queen for admitting William Morisone of Prestongrange ane privy Councillor
Order: Recommendation to her Majesties advocat anent the two Commissions to the Captains of her Majesties two Friggotts
Act: Act continugeing Mr Robert Douglas brother to the Earle of Mortoune and Stewart of Burrow in possession of the office of Admirality of Orkney and Zetland
15 July 1703
Procedure: Committie for adjusting the two Commissiones and Generall and particular instructions to be observed by the Captains of her Majesties two Friggotts
Order: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat to bring in to the Councill ane proclamation Anent persones in France at the time of the indemnity
Order: Recommendation to the Lord Advocat to raise a Lybell at the instance of the family of Seaforth Against the Countes of Seaforth
16 July 1703
Commission by the Council: Commission In Favors of Captain Thomas Gordon to be Commander of her Majesties Ship the Royall Mary
Order: Instructions for Captain Thomas Gordon
Commission by the Council: Commission to David Prescio to be Livt of the Royall Mary
Warrant: Warrant In favors of James Midletoune to be master of the Royall Mary
Commission: Commission to Captain Mathew Campbell to be Captain of the ship the Dumbartoun Castle
Order: Instructiones to Captain Mathew Campbell
Warrant: Warrant to Robert Russell to be Master of the Dumbarton-Castle
27 July 1703
Proclamation: Proclamation anent persones goeing to and Staying in France since her Majesties indemnity
4 August 1703
Act: Act Captain Mathew Campbell
7 August 1703
Procedure: Committee anent Major Generall Buchan
9 August 1703
Decreet: Interloquitor anent Major Generall Thomas Buchan
17 August 1703
Letter: to the Council: [Letter from the Duke of Ormond]
10 September 1703
Act: Act Inlargeing Major Generall Buchan his Confinement
Procedure: [Committee for examining arrivals from France]
Procedure: [Committee anent the Laird of Clackmannan's canon]
15 September 1703
Order: [Order anent the Laird of Clackmannan's canon]
Act: [Liberation John Murray]
20 September 1703
Procedure: Patent of Honour In Favors of George Viscount of Tarbat To be Earle of Cromarty etc
Warrant: Warrant Anent Mideltoun Lindsay and Deans
Warrant: Warrant anent the Laying Up her Majesties two frigotts the Royall Mary and Dumbarton Castle
Procedure: Committie for prepaireing Ane Commission for Dischargeing the Importation of Irish Victuall etc
Act: Act In Favors of Major Generall Thomas Buchan
Procedure: Commission In Favours of David Grahame to be one of the Macers of privy Councill
24 September 1703
Procedure: [Patent of Honour In Favors of Archibald Marques of Douglas to be Duke of Douglas]
Procedure: Protest By the Tutors of the Marques of Douglas
Procedure: [Patent Duke of Atholl]
Procedure: [Patent Viscount Rosebery]
Commission by the Council: Commission Discharging the Importation of Irish Victuall, Beiff etc In favours of Mr Patrick Ogilvie
Order: Recomendation to the Lords of Thesaury In favors of Mr Patrick Ogilvie
Order: Recommendation To Livt Generall Ramsay anent forces to be sent to quarter on the western Coasts to hinder the Importation of Irish victuall, horses etc
Warrant: [Bond of caution]
Act: Act The Lady Dougar of Lovat
Act: Act John Key of Alderstoune
27 September 1703
Procedure: Patent of Honour In favours of The Viscount of Rosberry to be Earle of Rosebery etc
Procedure: Patent of Honour In Favours of the Lord Boyle to be Earle of Glasgow etc
Order: Recomendation to Sir James Stewart Lord advocat to raise a Lybell against Buchan Midletoune Lindsay and Deans
Commission by the Council: Commission of Fyre and Sword The Lady Lovat against Captain Simion Fraser of Beaufort
Procedure: The Commissioner accquainted the Councill that he was goeing to Court to wait on her Majestie
30 September 1703
Act: Act Sir James Stewart of Bute
Procedure: The Lord Chancelor acquainted the Councill that he was Called to Court to wait upon her Majestie
Procedure: The Duke of Atholl privy Seall acquainted the Councill that he was goeing to Court to wait on her Majestie
30 September 1703 (pm)
Procedure: Patent of Honour In Favours of the Lord Portmore To be Earle of Portmoir
Procedure: Patent of honour In Favours of Sir James Stewart of Bute To Be Earle of Bute etc
8 October 1703
Letter: royal: [Letter from the Queen adjourning parliament]
Proclamation: [Proclamation for adjourning parliament]
Procedure: [Patent Earl of Hopetoune]
Procedure: [Commission Director of her Majesties Chancellory]
Order: [Commission to try thieves in Stirlingshire]
Act: [Banishment of Samuel Mowat]
Procedure: [Annandale to travel to court]
11 November 1703
Procedure: [Buchan elected Preses]
Decreet: Decreet of Certification The Agent for the Kirk against Mr John Taylor
Decreet: Decret Certification The Agent for the Kirk against Doctor Gairdne
13 November 1703
Procedure: [Lord President elected Preses]
Warrant: Warrant for Registrating and appending the great seall to the Commission or Letters of Mart, In Favors of the Affrican Company
25 November 1703
Act: Act Mr Patrick Ogilvie
Procedure: committee formed: Committie anent Mr Patrick Ogilvie his petition
3 December 1703
Procedure: : [Loudon elected Preses]
Order: : Recommendation to Sir James Stewart her Majesties advocat to bring in a Commission for hindering the Importation of victuall and other prohibit goods from England by land
9 December 1703
Procedure: : [Glasgow elected Preses]
Letter: royal: : Letter from the Queen for adjourning the parliament to the 22d February next
Proclamation: : Proclamation for Adjourning the Parliament
Procedure: : Additionall Committee anent English victuall
Procedure: : Committee anent the Toun of Haddingtoun
16 December 1703
Procedure: : [Loudoun elected Preses]
Procedure: : [Patent of honour In Favours of Crafurd of Kilbirny To be Viscount of Garnock etc]
Procedure: : Committie anent the Representation of the Generall Assembly anent papists
Warrant: : Warrand for Transporting some Women and Boyes to the Plantationes
23 December 1703
Procedure: : [Loudoun elected Preses]
Letter: royal: : Letter from the Queens Majestie to the Councill anent Some ill practises and designes
Warrant: : Warrant to the Lord Advocat to Seize Severall persones in the north as persones against whom there is ill practises designed against the Government
Procedure: committee: : Committie for examining Captain Neill McCload Charles Mckinnon etc
28 December 1703
Procedure: : [Lauderdale elected Preses]
Letter: royal: : Letter from the Councill To The Queen in answer to her Majesties letter anent ill practices in Scotland against the Government
Procedure: : [Committee anent embassies from France]
Act: : Act The Lady Lovat and her husband
Warrant: : Warrand for open prison To Neill Mccleod and Charles Mackinnon
7 January 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
14 January 1703
Act: Act Infavours of John Vallange Book seller
19 January 1703
Act: Act In favours of Elizabeth Winrame
Act: Act Infavours of the Court of Directors etc
21 January 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
26 January 1703
Act: Act Infavours off The Earle of Southesk and his Tuttors alloweing them to wreat to Paris
2 February 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
Procedure: [Lauderdale elected Preses]
Act: Act Infavours off George Weir of Blackwood
4 February 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
11 February 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
16 February 1703
Act: Act Infavours off Mr Robert Forbes Advocat
17 February 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
18 February 1703
Act: Act Infavours off Margaret Hamiltoun
24 February 1703
Act: Act Infavours off Mr William Calderwood and Mr Robert Forbes off Lernie Advocats
2 March 1703
Act: Act Infavours off Nathaniell Gordon of Carletoun
8 March 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
9 March 1703
Act: Act Infavours off Mr Charles Lindsay
Act: Act Infavours off Jannet Irving etc
Act: Act Infavours off Anna Durhame
Act: Act Infavours off Mary Wedderburn
9 March 1703 (pm)
Decreet: Decreit Archbald Campbell Against George Young
Act: Act Infavours off Sir David Cunynhame of Robertland
30 March 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
31 March 1703
Act: Act Infavours off Captain Robert Hamiltoun
Act: Act In favours off Mr George Weeymss
1 April 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
22 April 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
22 April 1703 (pm)
Act: Act Infavours off The Burgh of Jedburgh
Act: Act Infavours off John Dunbabbine
29 April 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
1 May 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
5 May 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
12 June 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
21 June 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
23 June 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
3 July 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
13 July 1703
Warrant: Warrand for passing The Earle of Loudouns Commission To be Shirriff principall of Air per saltum
Act: Act Infavours off Brigadeir James Maitland
16 July 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
27 July 1703
Act: Act Infavours off Nicoll, Robert, Jannet and Issobell Craigs
Act: Act Infavours off Robert Sanders
4 August 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
7 August 1703
Procedure: [Note of no business]
9 August 1703
Act: Act Infavours off Isobell Ogilvie
17 August 1703
Act: Act Infavours off Alexander Edgar and others
Act: Act Infavours off William Cochran and others for a suggar manufactory at Leith
10 September 1703
Act: Act Infavours off Walter Ross and others
15 September 1703
Act: Act Infavours of The Magistrats and Toun Councill off Kirkcaldie
20 September 1703
Act: Act Infavours of James Earle of Galloway and others
Act: Act Infavours off Kenneth McKinzie of Cromarty
Act: Act Infavours off William Baird of Auchmedden
Act: Act Infavours off Mr James Carnagie of Phinhaven
Act: Act Infavours off Alexander McKinzie of Broomhall
Act: Act Infavours off The Macers off privie Councill
Act: Act Infavours off The Macers of Sessione
24 September 1703
Act: Act Infavours of the servants of Exchequer
Act: Act Infavours off the keepers of the parliament house
Act: Act Infavours off Charles Steuart of Bigtoun
Act: Act Infavours off James Calender
Act: Act Infavours off The Countess of Sutherland
27 September 1703
Act: Act In favours of Duruk Horselop and Stephen Hulst
30 September 1703
Act: Act Infavours off John Cross junior merchant
Act: Act Infavours off Thomas Kennedy
8 October 1703
Warrant: Warrand for arreisting Robert Wilsone a Drover
11 November 1703
Procedure: [Buchan elected Preses]
Decreet: Decreit Barbara Kenman against John Edgar
Act: Act Infavours of Mr William Forbes Advocat
13 November 1703
Act: Act Infavours off Archbald Hamltoune
25 November 1703
Procedure: [Loudoun elected Preses]
Act: Act In favours off The Countes off Seaforth
3 December 1703
Procedure: [Note of business]
9 December 1703
Procedure: [Note of business]
16 December 1703
Procedure: [Note of business]
28 December 1703
Procedure: [Lauderdale elected Preses]
Act: Act Infavours off John Thomsones Elder and younger