Procedure, 20 September 1703, Edinburgh

Act, 28 December 1703, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twenty day of September Jaj vijc and thrie years



Commission In Favours of David Grahame to be one of the Macers of privy Councill

Commission under her2 Majesties privy Seall of this kingdome In Favors of David Grahame brother german to the Laird of Balgowan to be one of the Macers before the Lords of privy Councill Exchequer and Commissioners and a Serjant at armes being read the samen was ordered to be Recorded; and the said David Grahame being called in Did qualifie himself to her Majestie by Swearing the oath of alledgance and Subscryveing the Same with the assurance And the Lord Chancelor did tender to him the Oath de fideli.
Followes the tennor of the Said Commission.
Anne By the Grace of God Queen of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith Forasmuchas Wee Considering that the place and office of one of the ordinary macers before the Lords of our privy Councill Exchequer and Commissioner Is vacant in our hands and at our Royall gift and disposition throw the dimission of John Hoge Senior possessor of late therof And being informed of the Loyaltie and Sufficiency of David Grahame brother german to Thomas Grahame of Balgowan for exerceing the said office Therfore Witt yee us to have Nominated Constituted and appointed, And by thir presents (3with advice and consent of our Right trusty and intirely beloved Cousins and Councillors James Duke of Queensberry Lord high Commissioner for our ancient kingdom of Scotland James Earle of Seafeild Lord high Chancelor of our said Kingdome, Archibald Duke of Argyle, William Marques of Annandale; Alexander Earle of Eglingtoune, Hew Earle of Loudoun, David Lord Boyle Lord thesaurer depute and of our trustie and well beloved Councillor Mr Francis Montgomry of Giffan Lords Commissioners of our thesaury Comptrollery thesaury of our new Augmentation, within our said Kingdome, and of the rest of the Lords Commissioners of our Exchequer of our said Kingdome4 Nominat Constitute and Appoint the said David Grahame dureing all the dayes of his lifetime to be one of the macers before the saids Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Exchequer and Commissioners and a Serjant at armes in place of the said John Hoge Senior Giveing Granting and Disponing to him the said place and office with all fies profitts duties Casualties priviledges immunities whatsomever therto belonging And Specially with the fie and Sallary of Fiftie pounds Starling money yearly as to the fie and Sallary of one of the saids Macers to be payed to him at two termes in the year Whitsunday and Martinmas by equall portiones Begining the first termes payment therof at the terme of Martinmass nixt to come and so furth to continue yearly and termly therafter dureing the space forsaid Commanding hereby the saids Lords Commissioners of our thesaury present or for the time being and all Collectors and receivers of our rents revenues customes and Casualties whatsomever of our said kingdome to make payment of the Samen accordingly And Also Commanding the saids Lords of our privy Councill Exchequer and Commissiones to Admitt and receive the said David Grame to the exercise of the said office and to Authorize him with their testimoniall of admission therto And to administer to him the oath of alledgance and de fideli administratione in such caices accustomed Given under our privy Seall at our Court at Windsor Castle the thrid day of July 1703. And of our Reigne the Second year. Per Signaturam Manu S:D:N: Reginae Supra Scripitur Manibusque Commissionarcorum Thesaurarii et Seaccarii Subscripitur. Written to the privy Seall and Registrat the fiftein of September 1703. Sic Subscribitur William Alves deput Sealed at Edinburgh the 15th September 1703 Sic Subscribitur Pattrick: Scott:

Att Edinburgh the Twenty day of September Jaj vijc and thrie years



Commission In Favours of David Grahame to be one of the Macers of privy Councill

Commission under her2 Majesties privy Seall of this kingdome In Favors of David Grahame brother german to the Laird of Balgowan to be one of the Macers before the Lords of privy Councill Exchequer and Commissioners and a Serjant at armes being read the samen was ordered to be Recorded; and the said David Grahame being called in Did qualifie himself to her Majestie by Swearing the oath of alledgance and Subscryveing the Same with the assurance And the Lord Chancelor did tender to him the Oath de fideli.
Followes the tennor of the Said Commission.
Anne By the Grace of God Queen of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith Forasmuchas Wee Considering that the place and office of one of the ordinary macers before the Lords of our privy Councill Exchequer and Commissioner Is vacant in our hands and at our Royall gift and disposition throw the dimission of John Hoge Senior possessor of late therof And being informed of the Loyaltie and Sufficiency of David Grahame brother german to Thomas Grahame of Balgowan for exerceing the said office Therfore Witt yee us to have Nominated Constituted and appointed, And by thir presents (3with advice and consent of our Right trusty and intirely beloved Cousins and Councillors James Duke of Queensberry Lord high Commissioner for our ancient kingdom of Scotland James Earle of Seafeild Lord high Chancelor of our said Kingdome, Archibald Duke of Argyle, William Marques of Annandale; Alexander Earle of Eglingtoune, Hew Earle of Loudoun, David Lord Boyle Lord thesaurer depute and of our trustie and well beloved Councillor Mr Francis Montgomry of Giffan Lords Commissioners of our thesaury Comptrollery thesaury of our new Augmentation, within our said Kingdome, and of the rest of the Lords Commissioners of our Exchequer of our said Kingdome4 Nominat Constitute and Appoint the said David Grahame dureing all the dayes of his lifetime to be one of the macers before the saids Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Exchequer and Commissioners and a Serjant at armes in place of the said John Hoge Senior Giveing Granting and Disponing to him the said place and office with all fies profitts duties Casualties priviledges immunities whatsomever therto belonging And Specially with the fie and Sallary of Fiftie pounds Starling money yearly as to the fie and Sallary of one of the saids Macers to be payed to him at two termes in the year Whitsunday and Martinmas by equall portiones Begining the first termes payment therof at the terme of Martinmass nixt to come and so furth to continue yearly and termly therafter dureing the space forsaid Commanding hereby the saids Lords Commissioners of our thesaury present or for the time being and all Collectors and receivers of our rents revenues customes and Casualties whatsomever of our said kingdome to make payment of the Samen accordingly And Also Commanding the saids Lords of our privy Councill Exchequer and Commissiones to Admitt and receive the said David Grame to the exercise of the said office and to Authorize him with their testimoniall of admission therto And to administer to him the oath of alledgance and de fideli administratione in such caices accustomed Given under our privy Seall at our Court at Windsor Castle the thrid day of July 1703. And of our Reigne the Second year. Per Signaturam Manu S:D:N: Reginae Supra Scripitur Manibusque Commissionarcorum Thesaurarii et Seaccarii Subscripitur. Written to the privy Seall and Registrat the fiftein of September 1703. Sic Subscribitur William Alves deput Sealed at Edinburgh the 15th September 1703 Sic Subscribitur Pattrick: Scott:

1. NRS, PC1/53, 32-3.

2. Insertion.

3. Closing bracket missing.

4. The phrase ‘and of the rest’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 32-3.

2. Insertion.

3. Closing bracket missing.

4. The phrase ‘and of the rest’ scored out here.