Att Edinburgh the Nynteinth day of January Jaj viic and thrie years
Warrant for the Earl of Orknayes officers to Levie men and Beatt Drums
The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Conforme to her Majesties Letter direct to them of the date the Threttie one day of december Jaj viic and two years Doe heirby Grant warrand to and Authorizes the officers of her Majesties two Battallions of foot Commanded by the Earle of Orkney To beat drumds for Levieing of men within the city of Edinburgh or any other place within this kingdome for detaineing and keeping their recruits Deserters or others who Shall ingage with them untill they Shall be transported for Holland; and grants warrand to the saids officers to Seize upon take and apprehend all deserters from the saids two Battallions and ordaines all magistrats and others to give their concurrance to the saids officers for makeing up their recruites and Secureing their deserters and others who shall willingly ingadge with them The Saids officers allwayes Mentaineing their saids recruites deserters and others who ingadge with them upon their oun proper Charges and expences; And prohibites and Discharges any disorders or abuses to be Committed by the saids officers in takeing up of their recruites, Seazing of their deserters or takeing on Souldiers but allwayes keeping themselves within the bounds that the Law prescrybes
1. NRS, PC1/52, 493.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 493.